okay,time to get in trouble over here too.


Varsity Lurker
Nov 16, 2005
For many of you that don't know,I have never,ever been a fan of CCG's.Perhaps the only difference between me and some others is that I've told him to his face,AFTER the 2002 season.I am sick and tired of his rhetoric about this and that going wrong,failure to execute,academics,injuries,etc.,the man has an excuse for himself for everything,except to place the blame where it lies,and that's with him.

Here are a few facts to chew on.Keep in mind,when CCG came to GT,he was hailed as an offensive genius,and some still insist that he is.The facts show,however,that our offense is,well,offensive.
NCAA rankings-2002-57th overall
2003-80th overall
2004-75th overall
2005-81st overall

In 49 games under CCG,we have scored 30 or more points,only 8 times.Also,we have scored under 20 points,23 times.This is not offensive wizardry,it's awful.As many of you know,without our stellar Defense,we're up the creek.Combine the lack of offense,with awful special teams,and,winning 6-7 games annually is a miracle.

I bring these points up to see if anyone knows if a condition of CCG's new "contract",forces him to bring in new coaches,Offensive Coordinator,etc.Based on CCG's comments on his weekly radio show after the Clemson game," I've had a lot of success calling plays." My question is,where? This[to me] smug attitude of "I drew up a great game plan,but we didn't execute",is getting tiresome.To me,for us to be an 8 or 9 win team annually,beat the Mutts,and get higher profile bowls[I mean really,would GT and any Big Ten team draw flies in Nashville?],CCG,has to get new coaches now,or we have to get as new coach.Please don't say"who would you replace him with?,because I know someone who knows how to win,would love to be here.The only hope I have for us,if the new contract is signed,is that some NFL team,hires him away,and quick.

I've been going to games since 1969,and losing to the Mutts every year,and settling for average,is really getting on my nerves.Look at UGA.They have a coach that wins,but loses to us three years in a row,and is out the door.We have coach that wins some,but loses to them 4 years in a row,and we give him the keys to the bank.I don't get it.I 've looked in the paper the last two days,and see no coaches terminated,so I guess ol' stubborn Chan wins again.Disgusting.
Was there some point to this post? Do you want an opinion or are you just unloading your frustrations?
IJ, I don't recall Gailey blaming anyone for a bad game plan, for a loss or for anything else however I do recall a previous coach blaming his own players for a loss.
How do you know Gailey did not try to hire an OC after last year? ST are a problem but IMO it's not just coaching, It's personell we are not in a position, yet to get starters in on ST.

I've been going to games since 1969,and losing to the Mutts every year,and settling for average,is really getting on my nerves.Look at UGA.They have a coach that wins,but loses to us three years in a row,and is out the door.We have coach that wins some,but loses to them 4 years in a row,and we give him the keys to the bank.I don't get it.I 've looked in the paper the last two days,and see no coaches terminated,so I guess ol' stubborn Chan wins again.Disgusting.

[/ QUOTE ]

How many times have we beaten the mutts since 69?
Did you realize that the mutts get 5 or 6 quality SA's for our 1,the reason they fired thier coach was that he had more than enough players to beat us and could not.

For the first time that I can remember Tech is building DEPTH something that I can not remember bieng done in forever.

Please don't say"who would you replace him with?,because I know someone who knows how to win,would love to be here.The only hope I have for us,if the new contract is signed,is that some NFL team,hires him away,and quick.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you KNOW, Then WHO?

Seems to me, all that counts with you is OFFENSE.I think we have built a pretty solid DEFENSE something we have not had since 1990, and IMO it's even better.
Fact, Academics at Tech are for real and unless something changes, we will have to live with it and no coach at Tech has ever embraced that except Chan Gailey.
Ok, I will bite. Who do you know that knows how to win and would love to be here?

I to have met Chan. I am not a fan but not a hater, just a realist. He has stated plainly and openly, he likes to run the ball and play defense. I am sure he must lie awake at night just wondering what life would be like with a QB that just hits receivers open by five yards or more. Do not even think about great throws but just hit them when they have at least five yards on the coverage.

I will not defend Chan, but I think we are darn lucky to have a man of integrity that is willing to stick with us when the hill works against him and the fan base sucks. Flunkgate and now probation, I doubt your mystery hire would hang around for long with that kind of crap to work with.

But by all means please tell us who the saviour is that you know?
I to have met Chan. I am not a fan but not a hater, just a realist. He has stated plainly and openly, he likes to run the ball and play defense.

[/ QUOTE ]
just to add fuel to the fire, if he likes to run the ball, why didnt he run it on the 2 or 3 against ncstate with 30 seconds left and 1 time out? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/FIREdevil.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soapbox.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gif
Sounds like you needed to get that off your chest, do you feel better.

1. I don't like Chan and i told him to his face (good for you it must have made you feel good about yourself)

2. I'm not even going to go further because if i want to hear whinning i have a 14, 11, 5, and 3 year old and i get that all day.
just to add fuel to the fire, if he likes to run the ball, why didnt he run it on the 2 or 3 against ncstate with 30 seconds left and 1 time out?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good question, although burning the last time out with the clock stopped limited the options with 30 some odd seconds left. Should have lined up after the first down and ran off left tackle, PJ had positive yards all through the second half running off left tackle. If you don't score, then call a time out and consider your options. But what's over and done almost two months ago is just that ...over and done.
Still waiting on the name of the saviour you are hiding from us!

You know, the one that would not have tried to beat NC State by throwing to the best wide receiver in the country. The one that knew that would not work ahead of time.

Just the name please. We can hardly wait any more. Please. You stated it as a fact, not opinion, so let us all in on your secret.
I to have met Chan. I am not a fan but not a hater, just a realist. He has stated plainly and openly, he likes to run the ball and play defense. I am sure he must lie awake at night just wondering what life would be like with a QB that just hits receivers open by five yards or more. Do not even think about great throws but just hit them when they have at least five yards on the coverage.

[/ QUOTE ]

This statement is an OPEN ADMISSION that CCG is NOT the right coach for GT!

If he prefers to run and play Defense; then maybe he needs to hop in a "time machine" and go to NEBRASKA circa, mid 1990's!

At a school that DOES NOT have 1st & 2nd round NFL picks lined up waiting in the wings; that philosphy WILL NOT WORK to a high level of success; at a school with GT-level recruits it leads to 7-5 or 6-5 type of football.
I never cease to be amazed at

some of the dumb a___es that post drivel on this board. We beat 2 top 10 teams this year with only one 4-star recruit. We pushed UGAG around the field with smaller, but tougher, players. Our players show heart which proves the point that it is the size of the fight in the dog that counts, not the size of the dog in the fight. The UGAG game was in doubt until the last few seconds.

Our accomplishments are quite good. We are 1 pass away from a 8-3 season and 2 passes away from a possible 9-2. You take your stats, and I will take the 7-4. Just a couple seasons ago, we were predicted by all the pundits to win only 1 game--Duke. However, we went to a bowl--a miracle. We did it without stats; we did it with wins which came at the leadership of a kid just 2 months out of the cafeteria line in high school.
Actually,I was speaking in generic terms,that someone that is a good coach,would want to come to GT.That being said,I do know someone who wanted this job Before CCG got it,and he is a proven winner,and also can develop an offense.Email me and I can tell you who.It's great to have a good defense,but special teams,and offense need help with us very badly.
Re: I never cease to be amazed at

So having a game in doubt,is the mark of a successful program? Not against anyone,most especially the Mutts.Fact is,we need a coach who can get us to those 9 wins,not a guy that will get us close.
Still waiting on the name of the saviour you are hiding from us!

[/ QUOTE ]

Not defending or attacking IJ's point, but didn't he write that he did not have the name of the replacement.
Its so easy to rip someone's negative position of Chan by bringing up the "who then" question.

Hell, people are paid to develop and maintain a short list. I doubt IJ is. Not his job.
People are paid to determine if we should

fire our coach. That ain't IJs job but he seems to think it is.

Plus, he says e-mail him for the guy's name. How about putting it out so we can laugh at him.

Bill Bellichek told me he wanted to coach GT before Chan took the job.
Re: People are paid to determine if we should

Bill Bellichek told me he wanted to coach GT before Chan took the job.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn, Really? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Would Charlie Weiss have come?

Seriously, I am now firmly entrenched in CG's camp. I have faith that he will make whatever changes needed on both the field and the sideline, now that he has survived DB's "significant improvement" threat of this year.

Other people's demands for a coaching change don't bother me. They certainly have the right to their opinion. As long as they do it in a way that does not hurt the program (gross misconduct), I think its healthy.
Re: People are paid to determine if we should

Why would you laugh? Has CCG done such a good job,that he should be tenured here for life? I can prove my guy called.What can you back up,or are you just trying to be funny?
Why is his name secret?

How about giving us the name of this great coach. I would love to know who wants to come here.

Answer to your question: At 7-4 against the schedule we face, Chan has earned a cooling of the seat and nine months of not having 'fans' calling for his head.

7-4 IS AN IMPROVEMENT. Every year has shown at least some improvement. Nobody fires a coach that has improved the program every year he has coached. THAT is a fact. To ignore reality is a sign of insanity.

The guy was runner up for ACC coach of the year. How can you not agree that we would look like total idiots if we fired Chan right now? We look like total idiots IMHO for even discussing it.


If you can't be content (not happy, not overjoyed, content) with the overall performance of Chan and the GT team this year, you need professional help IMHO.
Re: Why is his name secret?

I would love to know who wants to come here.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is all I have a problem with. Not only does this sound bad, it's so untrue.
Talk about potentially damaging to recruiting, this is the undisputed world Champ of insults.

Chan Gailey is/ will be a great coach at Tech. Why make it look like he's all we can get? Just stop it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bs.gif