

Jolly Good Fellow
Aug 25, 2003

This one time, at band camp,

Wait, no, different story...

I was watching a TV GT game a few years back - -

As a 2nd string punter came off the field after a bad punt, O'Leary just RAILED the guy. The anouncers spent some time talking about how O'Leary shouldn't expect so much out "just" a back up, walk on punter.

My dad and I spent some time talking about how O'Leary got so much out of his players because he did expect a good performance out of each player, reardless of the skill level. Rather than an insult to the player, it was a complement.

It says - you are a GT player, now - and you will perform well, even if you thought you couldn't before you got here.

I think "ole pastie" is a jerk, but he made his good men better and his not so good men decent a lot of the time. I disagreed with the anouncer's assessment.

O'Leary canceled out things like that with things like publicly calling out Joe B and saying his seniors weren't leaders. Those particular statements were atrocious.

I know this seems contrary to all of my other posts, but I do wonder sometimes if there is enough of the tough-love in the Gailey camp.

I still like the total CG package - nobody's perfect, but just food for thought.

I believe a manager gets what he (or she) expects, and people live up to level they are required to. I also think we saw this for three weeks before CU, I just don't understand the inconsistencies.