One uniform color thread to rule them all (with pole)

Is the 2006 throwback uniform the correct gold for GT?

  • Total voters
I'd like to point out that y'all let a guy who is literally colorblind vote in this poll.
Gold hats white shirts and gold pants are appropriate. Finisimo.
remember the poll is about a single option vs all other possible options. anything approaching 50% is pretty much landslide. currently at 45.5% yea; i'm a bit disillusioned and questioning my life choices. also feeling a bit gay, not sure why that is. akinji please help explain the feelings i'm going through.
I'd be happier if the options were between
  • Old gold/mustard
  • "Vegas" gold/Urine/Braine-less beige
I'd be happier if the options were between
  • Old gold/mustard
  • "Vegas" gold/Urine/Braine-less beige
I'm sure the board is more than amenable to another pole. Pending the council of elders, naturally.
Doesn't say "Official" in the title so this thread is pointless.
My guess is the new gold will be a little darker than what we are used to. Not a big fan of the pale gold we see on a lot of shirts and some version of the pants
I hope you are right - we need to be differentiated and that would do it. I think our AD won't be colorblind to that fact.