Orange Bowl Game Thread: GT vs. Iowa (GO JACKETS!)

I say if we go into the half down by 7 then we're gonna be okay fellas....I mean we couldn't have played flatter on offense.....I sure hope CPJ has some adjustments and a hell of a speech ready for the other coaches and players.....Come on fellas we didn't work this hard all season to play like this on a National Stage!

GO JACKETS....Let's D up again and create a turn over!
and might I add


Cremins beats UNC....Hewitt with 2X talent loses to UGAg, and we KNEW it was going to happen.
I hope some one told Blair that we are playing Clemson, cause it looks like we are going to need him to win this one.
Has Wommack made adjustments in 1st half? JK he still sucks but Nesbitt will HAVe to male the reads. I have seen the outside pitch there many times and he tucked it. It is his call
Stanzi should scramble out of the pocket a bit. He has all day to find the wide open guy - HERE'S A HINT: its the TE.