Other Games Thread

That's a shame then. George Welsh had the Cavs playing top-shelf ball back in the 90's. Then he retired and it was a fruit basket turnover until Mendenhall arrived. He's a good coach. Not sure what happened. What's the deal? Not sure why he hasn't caught back on with a team. It's kind of odd to me.
Pretty sure it was just him making the decision to leave/retire. Had UVA going in the right direction, and the fan base certainly appreciated him and didn’t want him to go.
Gosh it’s nice to watch the evil empire without having to see that stupid smug, self-righteous look on the face of the 25 year old non-graduate midget with average arm strength.
Gosh it’s nice to watch the evil empire without having to see that stupid smug, self-righteous look on the face of the 25 year old non-graduate midget with average arm strength.

A drunkard and menace to decent society. Lock him up!