Our "tougher" entrance requirements

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Re: Hmmmmmmm.....

So your'e saying a typical star athlete from Florida must ignore Tech unless he knows well before he graduates that he wants to take the curriculum needed for our admissions requirements? In other words, you're saying that almost all Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina HS graduates cannot make a signing day decision, regardless of their SAT and GPA, to come to Tech?

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Most "deep south" states do not require a lot of math in order to "graduate" from HS.

GT requires its SAs to have 4yrs. beyond basic math; i.e. Trig/Pre-Calc!

Many HS SAs from the deep south states "graduate" from HS only having had Basic math or Algebra-I; and what math classes they do take are not the "college prep" math classes and are probably watered down so much that they aren't worth anything!


The SAT is primarily made up of 9-10th grade material; ever notice how many 3.2-GPA SAs that UGAy signs that can barely crack 850 on the SAT; did you ever ASK YOURSELF why is this the case?

Hopefully this thread has cleared things up for you.
Re: The \'advanced math\' requirement is the key.

We can take some exceptions (not all the required maths for example) but they will have to make it up at Tech. Meaning they will have to take whatever remedial math is required first and then calculus.

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So you're saying that if a kid is good enough athletically, these higher standards we talk about can be disregarded and we can recruit like everyone else?
Re: The \'advanced math\' requirement is the key.

No, it means the coaches are allowed to ask for exceptions in cases where the kid's academics aren't quite up to snuff but where they believe he has a chance to be successful. For example. Say a kid has a 1000 SAT and a 3.5 GPA but is one math short. Or a kid who has taken the math requirements but his GPA is only 2.0 with a 950 GPA. It doesn't mean anyone we want, but that where it makes sense we can take a chance.

Remember also that by NCAA requirements the test for progress towards a degree have changed. Getting a kid in is only part of the problem. They then have to pass their coursework and can only count courses that apply to their declared degree in their percentage completion rate. (that's what has us in trouble now with the NCAA dating to the late 90s). So if a kid can't project to be successful in staying eligible it makes no sense to take him no matter how good he is.

If I understood a recent comment Chan has been allowed 3 exceptions since he's been here.
Re: The \'advanced math\' requirement is the key.

2.0 with a 950 GPA

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So we will still accept kids that only have a 2.0 GPA? This sounds like a lot of lattitude to me, that I'm sure is only motivated by athletic ability. Earlier in this topic it was suggested that things are etched in stone by suggesting we had firm academic standards above everyone elses. It starting to sound like we don't....
UGA\'s \"prep school\"

Let's not forget about UGA's lovely Hargrave Military Academy. They can take any athlete who can't qualify right away and put him in this "prep school" to get the classes he needs, the grades he needs, and even put some additional size on them. IIRC, GT doesn't have an option like this. They would so far behind that they wouldn't be able to transfer in...This is one of the ways that the UGA's of the world get around some of the academic requirements. It also lets them recruit even more athletes because they know that some will not qualify each year...
You are officially an idiot.

If our recruiting is 'Broken', UGA would blow us out. Miami would blow us out. Auburn would blow us out.

Second on your special teams theory, tell that to Frank Beamer and VT. He plays starters on special teams. Playing backups on special teams is getting rarer and rarer because of teams like VT exploiting inexperienced, young backups with their starters. I guess Beamer needs to overhaul his program since his recruiting is rarely top 20 and he doesn't play backups on ST.
Re: The \'advanced math\' requirement is the key.

You evidently don't want to listen to what's being said. Here is our standard requirements as I've been able to figure from the board. 950 SAT and a 2.5, with the 4 requisite maths. Higher SATs can atone for lower GPA and vice versa to some extent, if the coaches and admissions feel the kid can do the work. We have some limited leeway on the math requirements if the other two factors are solid.

You seem to be implying that if a kid is good enough athletically that we will take him no matter what. The answer to that is no. Low SAT, low GPA and less than 3 maths will not get you into Tech NO MATTER HOW GOOD YOU ARE. But low scores in one of those three areas can be dealt with if the other two are high enough IF Chan feels like the kid is a good risk. The FACT is he's asked for 3 exceptions in 3 classes so far. I think that makes the point pretty clearly that our standards are higher than NCAA minimums and will continue to be so.
Re: You are officially an idiot.

If our recruiting is 'Broken', UGA would blow us out. Miami would blow us out. Auburn would blow us out.

Second on your special teams theory, tell that to Frank Beamer and VT. He plays starters on special teams. Playing backups on special teams is getting rarer and rarer because of teams like VT exploiting inexperienced, young backups with their starters. I guess Beamer needs to overhaul his program since his recruiting is rarely top 20 and he doesn't play backups on ST.

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In those games you point out we have been hanging on by the hairs on our "chinny chin chin"; we weren't competitive because of great recruiting; we were close because of 1 side of the ball (DEFENSE) and a great DC!

We have depth issues; on his radio call-in show, CCG has said at least 4 different time during the season that the main REASON our STs are not better is because of depth, we just don't have the speed and strength in our backups to play good special teams.
Re: The \'advanced math\' requirement is the key.

nc, Chan has asked for 3 exceptions and got them. IMO, a pitifully low number.

We were 'hanging on' against Auburn?

Some people will never be happy. Only the superelite recruiting teams use backups on ST yet have good special teams. Even VT doesn't have that kind of depth. Chan must not understand this yet, no use crying over spilt milk. GT will have to play starters on ST in the next few years, or our ST will continue to lag.

#2. O'Leary's best teams had no depth at all compared to what we have now. We have replaced every injury this year with barely a missed beat.


Take out a thesaurus if you want to insult someone.
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