Parker Braun

Whatever. I always liked him. Enjoyed his humor and personality in interviews. He has a GT degree, correct? He left his heart on the field. He didn’t go to the dwags, so I will continue to pull for him at Texas and throughout his pro career.
His dwag younger brother can diaf, but the Tech Brauns, including Parker, I will pull for.
Heard a crazy story about Parker throwing a guy through the plate glass window at the Dark Horse in VaHi once. Dude was a beast.
This is the guard equivalent of the old threads gnashing teeth over O'Leary not being here any more.

just another guy who didn't want to stay

kind of like moping about an ex-girlfriend who traded up in her opinion
If he had just transferred because of butthurt, I wouldn’t give two shits about him, but he got his degree and went to a school that was more in line with his academic and professional goals. I have nothing but respect for that. Y’all butthurt pansies can eat shit and howl at the moon.
I appreciate what he did for Tech, but I hope we don't get regular threads on how he's doing with another school. He chose to move on and we should move on as well.
If he had just transferred because of butthurt, I wouldn’t give two öööös about him, but he got his degree and went to a school that was more in line with his academic and professional goals. I have nothing but respect for that. Y’all butthurt pansies can eat öööö and howl at the moon.


Parker is one of the good guys. The fact he played for us and put it all on the line and can start for Texas says a lot about him. Wish him nothing but the best.