Pitt Panther Prediction Posts

Georgia School of Technology : 35 points
Western University of Pennsylvania : 30 points
Y'all falling down on the job.

winner. Helmet sticker


What the hell?!? I'm sorry I disrespected our defense and gave Pitt 3 points I shouldn't have, but it was really because I thought we would lose 5 fumbles
What the hell?!? I'm sorry I disrespected our defense and gave Pitt 3 points I shouldn't have, but it was really because I thought we would lose 5 fumbles

You predicted a score that someone already predicted. You can't do that on Price is Right so why should you be able to here
There is only one rule.

Accepted protocol is to create a pole to duplicate answers. Otherwise, you just "thumbs up" the original response and claim that you were busy with someone's mom.