Plan for Saturday

I will NOT be getting up at 4:00 AM to mow my grass. no matter what kinda grass we are talking about, that's crazy talk.

I will be getting up around 6:30 to make eggs, bacon, and toast/biscuits along with some Bloody Mary drinks. Watch GT curb stomp the BC in the far eastern land of Ireland. Then hopefully go some grilling assuming its not pouring buckets due to Hermine.

Saturday should be fine weather-wise.
8:45 AM - Head over to Trinity College for some breakfast & beer.
10:30 AM - Head towards Ryan's Beggars Bush to sip on some Whiskey.
12:00 PM - Walk to Aviva Stadium.
12:30 PM - Watch the Jackets whoop some ass.
4:00 PM - Fill up on some pints at Cafe En Seine celebrating our win.
5:00 PM+ - I have no idea were my legs are taking me.
Up at 4:00. Shot 'o Jameson and a cigar.

Watch ESPN till 7:29

Watch Georgia administer an Irish ass-whoopin to Boston.

Watch other stuff

Then watch UNC act like they are going to kick Georgia's ass only to screw it up at the end.
I'm having about 30 people over to my house with their kids and dogs and such. Plan to start with Irish Coffee at 7am.
Clearly, that is the proper interpretation. You have to 80k to post on this board and anyone who 80k's has a yard man to cut their grass. Of course, it raises the question of why would someone who 80k's need "grass" in the first place. A leftover habit from their pre-80k days, perhaps.

P.S. An 80k'er who "likes" to cut their own lawn better own a $10k riding mower and not some $300 used piece bought off of Craigslist. We have standards to maintain around here, you know.
I don't care if it's the OP or Hernando the yard guy. If a lawn mower is cranked at 4 am, you don't need to wait for toe to meet leather. Fist will meet face.
I don't care if it's the OP or Hernando the yard guy. If a lawn mower is cranked at 4 am, you don't need to wait for toe to meet leather. Fist will meet face.
He may live in an upscale neighborhood where there are hot moms at the HOA pool and people frown on unkempt yards more than they do lawnmower noise at 4 am. Also, he may have a reel mower that is eco-friendly and is barely audible.
How come no one said anything about setting the DVR to record the game and sleeping till 10 am?
I'm starting out with Irish coffee during the pregame show. Then a traditional Irish breakfast of eggs, ham, potatoes, beans and "things of that nature." We will be doing an Irish Flag shot with every Tech score. The TV will be out on the deck so we can smoke a stogie or two.
Play a round of golf tomorrow afternoon, then we'll head back to my house to watch the night games and start the grill. Turn the smoker on a little before midnight and stay up drinking and watching gtbob replays of our program's glory days. Light up cigars when our third string goes in to finish out the fourth quarter and then watch uga lose to unc.
Watching the game with flunkout and corndog, then going over to beej to drink his whisky.
Plan for Saturday: Drink all day, watch football all day. Also, climb some ladders and do some light electrical work.

What could go wrong?