Playcall or bad read


Dr. Dunkingstein
Feb 24, 2004
So how was this play supposed to work? We ran option to the side where the D had the numbers advantage. Was JT5 supposed to audible out of this? Or was CPJ trying to catch someone out of position? Or did our outside linemen not know the playcall? Because the LT clearly let the DE free.

He is the same backside option with a fumble. I just don't know how this play is supposed to work.

Just 1 step drop and throw it to the slot reciever. It is 5 yards easy.
What is still quite puzzling is why CPJ thought it wise to make a smart ass comment about watching n.d. playing on tv and got so scared he had to turn it off.

Can not imagine any coac...., oh wait, it was smart ass CPJ.

Can not wait for 2016 to see at least 4 OL hitting the deck like on the play above.
What is still quite puzzling is why CPJ thought it wise to make a smart ass comment about watching n.d. playing on tv and got so scared he had to turn it off.

Can not imagine any coac...., oh wait, it was smart ass CPJ.

Can not wait for 2016 to see at least 4 OL hitting the deck like on the play above.

What is still quite puzzling is why CPJ thought it wise to make a smart ass comment about watching n.d. playing on tv and got so scared he had to turn it off.

Can not imagine any coac...., oh wait, it was smart ass CPJ.

Can not wait for 2016 to see at least 4 OL hitting the deck like on the play above.

I think it was more hyperbole for sarcasm. He was commenting on how good they looked.
So how was this play supposed to work? We ran option to the side where the D had the numbers advantage. Was JT5 supposed to audible out of this? Or was CPJ trying to catch someone out of position? Or did our outside linemen not know the playcall? Because the LT clearly let the DE free.


Well the DE slow played JT on that one, should've probably been a give on the dive. The center missed the block on the MLB. There were several other bad blocks on the inside, but it should've been JT and AB on the corner if the DE had charged instead of slow played and our center had gotten the lb off his feet.
He is the same backside option with a fumble. I just don't know how this play is supposed to work.


Missed block RT. DE again managed to play JT and the dive, but the missed block blew the play up. BB needs to carry out the fake better by knocking thru the DE so he can't let go and play the QB like that. Still would've been 5 yd without the missed block.
Everyone that was supposed to be blocked got blocked. There is nobody accounting for that safety #23 who is playing like an extra linebacker. JT also did not force #45 to take him. If you can't torch them downfield for playing a safety like that there isn't much chance of it working.
Best I can figure is the WR is supposed to come up and block the safety, hopefully freezing th CB a few yards deep giving the pitch man at least a little room to work with.
Best I can figure is the WR is supposed to come up and block the safety, hopefully freezing th CB a few yards deep giving the pitch man at least a little room to work with.

Why would you think that when the WR is clearly blocking the CB quite well? If the WR leaves the CB then the CB does the same thing the Safety does.

The only block that isn't very good is #58 on the MLB #38 and its not a total fail.

This is on Johnson / the play design. Clearly the design is counting on the Safety lining up over to the twins side and not being able to run all the way over to the weak side and make that play. The safety doesn't line up where we want because they have no respect for our passing ability.
Why would you think that when the WR is clearly blocking the CB quite well? If the WR leaves the CB then the CB does the same thing the Safety does.

The only block that isn't very good is #58 on the MLB #38 and its not a total fail.

This is on Johnson / the play design. Clearly the design is counting on the Safety lining up over to the twins side and not being able to run all the way over to the weak side and make that play. The safety doesn't line up where we want because they have no respect for our passing ability.

The WR does make a good block. I just don't see the play working unless the WR blocks back in, hopefully with the CB coming over with him, giving the pitch man a chance to make a play.

I just don't see the play working running to that side.

The slot receiver on the other hand is an easy pass for 5 yards, especially if the OT cuts the DE to keep him low with his hands down to shed the block.