Poll: Best scenario for Notre Dame at Miami?

Would you rather?

  • Miami wins: ACC still has an undfeated team, but UGAy avoids a rematch with ND in playoffs

  • ND wins: stays in playoff picture to potentially upset the dwags.

  • Will not matter because we will beat the leg humpers.

  • Beamer's goiter

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I like the chance Saturday could end with Richt at Miami having a better record than UGA, and having outdone UGA's best win of the season (versus Notre Dame).
I have little faith that uM can knockoff uGA. I want to maximize the probability that uGA doesn't make it to a championship and don't want to take any risks by letting my desire of a sweet Richt revenge game get in the way.
I vote for the scenario most likely to ensure that a UGA team coming off a loss in the SECCG doesn't still make it in the playoff. Since I already see the ACC getting a team in even if Miami loses, but don't see Notre Dame with any chance if they lose, I'll hold my nose and hope Notre Dame wins this one.
Miami blows out ND, tarnishing Georgie's signature win and throwing major shade on the Leghumper Richt haters.

Auburn gives the Butt Sniffers their 1st of 3 losses.

Tech (the real one) beating Tech (the pretenders). We had a closer loss to the 'Canes than they did and ours should've been a win. We start a 3 game comeback to get to a bowl game and 8 wins.

Georgie limps into the SECCG with 2 losses and gets thumped by Bammer, eliminating them from playoff contention and faces Miami in Bowl after Miami loses to Clemson in ACCCG. Miami blows out Dwags. Dwag Nation wanders in the College Football wilderness another 40 years in search of that elusive National Championship Promised Land with much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Alabummer loses in semifinal and the people rejoice.
Miami beats ND soundly.
ND wins out
Clemson beats Miami
GT beats UGa
Bama beats UGa
Wisc loses to Minn
Wisc loses to MSU
USC wins Pac#

Bama v Miami
Clem v OK

That is the best we can do.

Let's start with uga losing to Auburn this Saturday.
Miami beats ND soundly.
ND wins out
Clemson beats Miami
GT beats UGa
Bama beats UGa
Wisc loses to Minn
Wisc loses to MSU
USC wins Pac#

Bama v Miami
Clem v OK

That is the best we can do.
No. The best we can do is:

ND diaf
Clemson diaf
Miami diaf
Bama diaf
Wisconsian diaf
MSU diaf
USC diaf
UT diaf
UVA diaf
OK diaf
PSU diaf
OSU diaf
UM diaf
UGA eaboddiafwymcomp