Post game reaction thread

FWIW--I've NEVER predicted a TECH loss, even when the odd's are huge. Gotta play the game and in my heart Tech ALWAYS wins--somehow!
That will be a good paper to save!

It will go nicely next to this one!
Just curious, did anyone else have to call a doctor 4 hours after the game because they still had an boner?
Did you guys mention yet that we were basically playing a 3 man front last night with. With the lineman rotating positions. Looked pretty dang good on the D side. The extra LB's/SF swarmed the run.
Did you guys mention yet that we were basically playing a 3 man front last night with. With the lineman rotating positions. Looked pretty dang good on the D side. The extra LB's/SF swarmed the run.

I did mention it somewhere. From what I saw, that was only late in the first half. We were back to a 4 man front in the 2nd half.
Game probably finished too late to make print.

If it had been UGA winning a game like that, you can bet the AJC would have made sure to print that regardless of time.

Looks that way... The front page I posted is from their ePaper section this morning. Guess they made two papers... I can make full sized copies and post/email it for anybody who wants a copy!

Well, apparently they do an evening addition on Sundays. I went to the store and bought one with the Tech story front page. :woot:
Were you in section 222? I'm pretty sure I watched this. If so, you were right in front of us!

Haha... i can neither confirm or deny this. I then gave the kid a high five and told him he'd never see another ending like that.

For what it's worth, the dad is really cool and has put up with a lot from our section this year.
Nice, do you have a high res version you could share with us?