Practicing cut blocks

By the time they have finished their stutter-step and love-tap, our RBs will be 30 yards downfield.
Tennessee's Keys to Defeating a Cut Block:

1) Stop all forward momentum two seconds before engaging blocker.
2) Keep eyes focused down at a 90 degree angle at the back of the blocker's head.
3) Using both hands, apply ~5 pounds of force to the shoulderblades of the blocker.
4) Profit.
If Tennessee DB's spend that much time concentrating on getting their hands to the helmet of the cut blocks we will never get a successful block on the corner. Of course we won't need to. While the DB is fixated on the blocker we will run by them for touchdown after touchdown. If we've got UT that occupied with playing the blockers, we will have an epic day.
Tennessee's Keys to Defeating a Cut Block:

1) Stop all forward momentum two seconds before engaging blocker.
2) Keep eyes focused down at a 90 degree angle at the back of the blocker's head.
3) Using both hands, apply ~5 pounds of force to the shoulderblades of the blocker.
4) Profit.

5) Champions of Life (TM)