Pyron Transferring

Absolutely love Zach and wish him the best at Minnesota. He is class all the way. I second the earlier comment that "he will always be a Tech man."

Also, I believe that @GTQBdad often posted here. We very much appreciate you and your presence on the board. We will be cheering for Zach.
Hope he lights it up next year and gets to attend HKs Heisman ceremony too.
Kirby said after that game that UGA ran out of 2pt conversion plays. I have to believe that Buster was similarly like “what do I call” by the 4th or 5th OT.

Every team in America knows that when Pyron comes in for short yardage, it’s a QB run. If he had faked the run and jump passed to Jackson Hawes, we would have won
Hell, we were down to jump pass, drop kick and the Statue of Liberty play. (Google it, kids).