Quentin Moses has passed away in a house fire

Humor = Tragedy + time + creativity

Of course i feel for the victims and wish their families the best
I think yours is a time/place problem. Having seen pictures of the house, it does seem a little weird considering he was a former NFL player. Still, not the time to have that discussion IMHO.

Prayers for the family.
It wasn't his house. The wife and daughter of one of his best friends from high school, who drowned in 2007, lived there. He supposedly promised to help raise their daughter and spent lots of time with them.
It wasn't his house. The wife and daughter of one of his best friends from high school, who drowned in 2007, lived there. He supposedly promised to help raise their daughter and spent lots of time with them.

Thanks for the background. Figured there was a story behind it, not that it should matter.

I see what you did there

Perhaps you should wait for the smoke to clear before making any more joking comments

No, no own your insensitive comments, sir. Don't try to put anybody else in that corner with you. You know you're deserving of a ban. Be a man and just own it.

No, no own your insensitive comments, sir. Don't try to put anybody else in that corner with you. You know you're deserving of a ban. Be a man and just own it.


Dont have a meltdown, dude
Not ban worthy
It wasn't his house. The wife and daughter of one of his best friends from high school, who drowned in 2007, lived there. He supposedly promised to help raise their daughter and spent lots of time with them.

The neighbor said Moses has lived there with his girlfriend and her daughter for several years.

The writer claims that Moses was trying to save the other two, but then never cites the source of that claim nor quote an official making that assumption. Further, it doesn't make sense. The fire was in the early morning - how would Moses know the house is on fire and get there before the fire department? It's a single story trailer - every room should have access to a window large enough for egress.

More likely assertions than the one the author made (assuming we're all just making up stuff based on no evidence): (1) Moses lived in the trailer with his friend's widow and child. House had no smoke detectors. House caught fire and everyone inside died in their sleep of smoke inhalation. (2) Arson set to cover a murder.
The writer claims that Moses was trying to save the other two, but then never cites the source of that claim nor quote an official making that assumption. Further, it doesn't make sense. The fire was in the early morning - how would Moses know the house is on fire and get there before the fire department? It's a single story trailer - every room should have access to a window large enough for egress.

More likely assertions than the one the author made (assuming we're all just making up stuff based on no evidence): (1) Moses lived in the trailer with his friend's widow and child. House had no smoke detectors. House caught fire and everyone inside died in their sleep of smoke inhalation. (2) Arson set to cover a murder.

Why keep stoking the flames?
So since he didn't live in a $250k+ house he was somehow broke? Maybe he liked living a simpler life. Sad story.
We should rename stingtalk to Savage Inc. because it's savage af in here right now.
Also, that is a terrible tragedy I don't wish on my worst enemies. May God give their families strength and peace to pull through this.

Rest in peace Dawg.

Nah, don't paint us all with that brush. There's just a few turds in here.

Kurunun yanında yaş da yanar (wet also burns with the dry).

edit: ok i wasn't making a buzzczar type joke here btw. It's just a Turkish proverb that means guilty by association.
Kurunun yanında yaş da yanar (wet also burns with the dry).

edit: ok i wasn't making a buzzczar type joke here btw. It's just a Turkish proverb that means guilty by association.

#Ban@aki ... oh, ok. You get the benefit of the doubt since you're "Turkish".
The German word 'Feier' , pronounced 'fire', means celebration or party

Since i was born in Austria, and German is my first language, do i also get a pass?

... or do i keep getting the scorched earth treatment?