Question about BOB's offense...


Damn Good Rat
Dec 2, 2001
Question about BOB\'s offense...

Since this will be his first offense without Fridge and without GOL...What do you think the differences in play-calling will be between this year vs previous years.

I, for one, would like to see fewer running plays without a fullback. When they got into the 2 tight end set with one back and ran last year, I always winced.

I do feel that the main difference will be dictated by the option abilities of Bilbo and not having to rely solely on a QB with a gimpy knee. That should open up a wide world of unpredictability to us.

For those of you who saw spring practices (I did not), did Suggs run any option?
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

I feel you there. If we had an Ed Wilder type fullback I wouldn't mind all those run-it-up-the-middle-when-the-entire-stadium-knew-it-was-coming plays last year. Without someone to open up the holes it seemed like suicide. I too think that the QB situation will help our running game. It seemed like our offense had been built on mobile QBs for years, and then when Godsey lost what mobility he had it really hurt the way the offense worked. From everything I've heard, Suggs is more mobile than Godsey was before his knee injury. I'd cream my shorts if i saw Suggs under center with Bilbo as the option back.
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

Honestly it wasn't the fact we lacked a FB but rather Burns was not a slashing type back. Joe was strong, durable and pounded the ball. He wasn't that fast though which is why he rarely broke a big run. Most of our remaining RB's have more speed than Joe and this formation is perfect for that type of runner.

As for FB Johnson was very green last year. At 230 he is more than capable of blocking any LB that gets in his way. I dare say his knees are in better shape than Wilder's were.

Our running game is in fine shape fellas. The O- line is the major concern...
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

The main reason that Burns didn't break a lot of big runs is because the defense always keyed on him, because they didn't take the option-threat seriously, due to Godsey's bum knee. If you had Joe Burns running behind Joe Hamilton, then the defense would have to respect the option and Burns would have had plenty of opportunities to break bigger runs.
The threat of option is back this year. As Martha Stewart would say "That is a good thing."

In 'Buck' We Trust
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

Yep, O-line is THE key to our success this year. Please pray for NO injuries!!! If we stay healthy on the offensive line, we could really
surprise some folks. Otherwise, we could be in for more disappointing losses where we should have won. Having a bulky fullback in Johnson to help block will put us in better stead than last year too!
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

My guess is that play calling will be more imaginative this season. With Jimmy Dixon and Jermaine Hatch healthy joining Tony Hollings, I'd expect to see more formations than the Ace. My guess is that we'll see more from the slot formation with Hatch as the back and Hollings and Smith as the slotbacks. I'm also hoping that O'Brien will get back to some use of the Wishbone. Personally, I believe we have the personnel and talent to run plays from dozens of offensive sets.

My favorite call last season was against, I believe, Wake when O'Brien called a toss sweep, and Wes proclaimed it as a trick play. That was priceless.
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

I watched some GT game tape from '98 and it was amazing how much more diverse our offense was with a mobile QB. In the one game I watched, I probably saw as many different running plays as I saw all last year. I do think BOB is going to be more wide-open this year because of the mobile QB and the fact that he has an OC for a HC now. Yes, CG was a conservative OC, but I believe he is more agressive offensively than GOL. Throughout is NFL career, Gailey has been a believer in the ground game, but has shown a love for multiple formations and creative play calling.

BOB will never admit it but I think GOL's conservative nature effected his play-calling. IMHO, if BOB had his way last season, we would have seen a pass to setup the run offense like we saw in the Seattle Bowl.

I really like Suggs mobility. He is not the athlete that Bilbo is but he has pretty good quickness. We will move both guys around a lot. It's going to be much harder to get ready for GT next season.
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

Everyone is hitting on the reasons in this thread. Lack of option, lack of diversity in play calling, and young O-Line. I think we missed Noah King and Chris Brown more than we thought we would.

I was looking at our yards per rush numbers the other night and we dropped from almost 5 yards per rush in 1999 down to around 3 last year. Part of it I think was O'Leary's insistance on running between the tackles over and over and over. We were far too predictable. And don't anybody give me any crap about that being anybody other than O'Leary's direction because it was. That has been confirmed.

It is sad when an alcohol "enhanced" fat farge like me can sit in the stands or in front of the boob toob and predict 40-50% of the plays.
Heck, even my then-13-year-old could do it. I think you'll see us do 3 significant things this fall with the offense. 1) Chan and Billy will spread out the passing game. More throws to the TE. This will open up the running game if effective. Would love to see us run on 3rd and 5+ situations more often - read: draws! 2) Speaking of draws, I think we will run more draws. And specifically more QB draws which was a major part of Fridge's (and now Billy's) playbook but it is predicated on having a QB who can run. See: Demarius Bilbo. 3) And the most important thing as others have touched on is the option. With the option you can open up reverses. You can open up my favorite play Joe Hamilton and Shawn Jones used to run which was the option pass. Fake the belly, 1 step towards the sidelines, then 3 step drop back and fire downfield. When Shawn and especially Joe used to step back we all KNEW it was a touchdown! Suggs and Bilbo should be able to do it too. Billy just needs to be intelligent about when to use it. Can't wait to see the collision of Suggs versus a 5'9" 170# defensive back. Think we'll get the extra yard or two for the first down?
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

I really think the Option will do wonders for us this year.
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

Regardless, this entire season rests on the ability of 2 new QB's to deliver the ball. I haven't seen either one of them in action yet, I'm just going on what I've heard...and it sounds good so far.

As long as they deliver the ball to where it's supposed to be, and not make mistakes, that will open up everything else, including BOB's offense. If they struggle, then the entire focus of the O changes.

We all had these concerns before the 2000 season. Godsey was supposed to have a weaker arm than Joe, and not be as mobile. Both those things were true. But he made smart decisions, and was very accurate on his throws. His timing was great. If our 2 boys can do the same thing this year, we're in great shape.
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

I realize Chan has given BOB the green light to run his own plays, but that goes only so far. It would be negligent if the HC did not watch the play calling of BOB in the Spring to see how BOB thinks.

This will be the first year BOB will be without either Friegden or Godsey, so it is basically his year to show his mettle, however, Gailey will and should correct any deficiencies he sees in the offense.

It has been well validated Gailey is a master of the offense and that is where his biggest talent lies. He was also a QB in college which enhances his knowledge of the offense from the starting point of every play.

Two mobile QBs with good size, swifter backs, more utilization of all the backs, and a more versatile offensive attack (BOB+Chan) should produce a much more effective offense.

Add to an improved offense, a new improved defense (Tenuta and nine returnees), and the season shows a lot of potential for a good results.

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Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

We will be much better off if 'Buck' essentially leaves Coach O'brien alone and lets him run the offense.

In 'Buck' We Trust
Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

My hope is for the O to mix up the play calling especially in the Red Zone. Hopefully the tall receivers will help in balls over the middle. One believes that BoB will have more latitude w/ "Buck" that GoL.

Ralph has or had the knack @ GT of assessing strengths of the QB. Hopefully, Billy has developed this same acumen and will use this in his play calling.

I am excited for this season. Surprises should be the keyword for imho GT should be more than competitive in every game. The talent is there, so we will see if BoB is up to the challenge of being in charge.

Re: Question about BOB\'s offense...

The key to getting the ball deap when it's not expected is getting the safties to cheat up!!! Then when they are expecting the run, get them to bite and go deep!!!!! The option really helps in that regards. Have to have enough players on D to match up with assignments.

A lot of the play calling last year was to help keep Godsey as healthy as possible I believe.

Things will be different this year.