Quinten Dormady done

You don’t have to physically quit the team inorder to get a leadership quit
no, the 2009 loss to the mutts was the absolute worst loss of the CPJ Era. This year against UT is 2nd though.

no one cares about K-State nor MTSU nor were those nationally-televised embarrassments like the UT collapse was.

I agree, '09 Georgia, '12 MTSU, '17 UT, '10 KU. As far as talent goes, '10 KU is the worst. Honestly '12 MTSU wipes the floor with '10 KU and maybe even '17 UT.
Kiffin has been in master troll mode:

2010 Kansas was a bad team, but we were also a bad team.
2012 MTSU was a pretty decent team and we were a mediocre team.
2014 Duke was a solid team that intentionally twisted JT5's ankles during the game.
2014 UNC was mediocre and we didn't know what defense was that game.
2017 Tennessee is a poorly coach team with a lot of talent. They have completely imploded despite Butch's great cheerleading skills. They are a much worse team than when we played them week one. At the end of the season no one will remember that. It will haunt us come December.
