RB situation.....


Flats Noob
Nov 19, 2001
If we can stay healthy, I think we'll be OK. And just because we may be starting a former DB isn't necessarily a bad thing - remember CJ Williams?

I'm more concerned about the apparent lack of action on the recruiting front.
The "death" of our running game has been greatly exaggerated. We have a fine stable of RB's (we are in a much better position than our instate rivals) and if we can stay healthy we should have a very strong running game. What is more important is that our OL stays healthy and we are able to develop some young talent. It won't matter if we have Bo Jackson back there running the ball without a good OL to open the way.
I agree completely. Probably one of the biggest problems last year was the inability to run the option.

Yes we could score but we could not control the ball like we have in the past. Based on CG's comments it appears that both Suggs and Bilbo will be option capable. If that is the case I look for a 10-15% increase in our offensive attack over last year.

Remember what we did when Godsey had healthy wheels. The run he made against Ugag is one of the all timers.

As I've said before, I can'ty understand why S Ford doesn't get more attention...I have believed that he has actually been (potentially) our best back...No one hits the holes wuicker and no one (to my knowledge) has his quickness...I am hoping he has a breakout year
We will clearly miss Joe Burns; but with the option threat back this year it will help our running game.
Offense is in fine hands with Coach O'brien...hopefully 'Buck' will let him run it like he said he would.


In 'Buck' We Trust
I'm hoping Jimmy Dixon has a break out year. He has the size, and you just have to pull for a guy whose parents didn't bother to give a middle name.
Whats everyone's opinion on our running back situation this year? I know Tony had a good spring, but I've got some concerns about what kind of success we'll have at that postion.

I think Hollings is a great athlete and needs to get on the field. However, this will be a development year for him and I fear it will take time for him to learn to secure the ball. We shall see.

Sidney Ford is a great mystery to me. How can he stay hurt so much? If he really is that prone to injury he should consider a move to WR or DB. Of course he would probably never see the field at WR, but it just doesn't make sense that he gets injured so easily.

Jimmy Dixon?? Why hasn't he played more in the past?? Has he been hurt or just waiting his turn??
Pretty funny, Ghost! On the other hand it's better than 2 or 3 middle names, IMHO.
Good questions ramblinwise. Ford was benching 400+ out of HS, so my guess is that strength is not his problem. He is a smaller statured guy out there. Then again, with the way our luck has been with academics (Echols, Bennett, Kuale, Burns, Johnson and Green), family issues (Brandon Sumner and now Rahshan Johnson), and injuries (Phillips, Matt Miller, Matt Uremovich, Gunter Kryszon, Nate Curry and others), who knows? Dixon is purported to be a bigtime strength guy and yet his knock is fumbles and stiffness. Maybe a correlation can be drawn among strength, lack of flexibility, fumbling problems and proneness to injury? At any rate, it seems the problem is these guys are working TOO HARD, not that they are lazy.
Don't forget Tony Hollings was a VERY successful high school option QB who ran the ball often. So, he has skills. To be able to step up and into a situation like he did during spring and make the type of impact he did says big things about him. If O'Brien weren't around I'd say Tony was fortunate of being able to impress a new staff. However, I get the feeling Billy wanted Tony in his offense from the day we signed him. I still think if Hatch can get back to 100% he will be the guy to win the job in August. But between the Duece, Dixon, Hollings and Hatch, we'll find somebody who'll be able to get 5-6 yards when we need it. Agree with others in the thread that Suggs and Bilbo's option abilities make the RB's jobs much easier. And of course nothing matters if the O-Line doesn't do its job. I personally think this will be the best OL we've had in quite some time. New OL coach from Dook has a strong reputation/credentials too.