Reality check/ACC expansion

GeeTee, see, you are using double standards again. You say those supporting another year for Gailey has their head in the sand. Isn't it true that those who could not see BOB was a big problem with the offense has their head in the sand.

Also, as stated earlier, maybe the problem was split loyalties and the problem has been solved with the departure of BOB. so, who has their head in the sand. It would seem to me the saner ones are those that realize a coach must have a chance before he is judged.

The sane ones are those who want some solid evidence before making a judgement. We all have our own ideas, but ideas are not proof. We need further proof that Gailey can or can not be effective at Tech. At this time, there is no proof either way.


Maybe you have your head in the sand, huh?

I think jumping all over geetee is a little silly. That's his opinion. I tend to agree that given the current status of our football program and getting thrown into a division with Miami, FSU, and possibly Clemson that the immediate future doesn't look real good. Yes, I like the idea of expansion (except SU because I just don't like them at all!)and think it is a good thing. However, giving the talent level we have now and having very little confidence in our current coaching staff (go ahead jump on me)it could be a long couple of years and being a division winner is not in the cards for awhile. We just can't compete with Miami both on the field and recruiting. FSU won't be down forever and Clemson will be back as well.

It will be fun to watch how the new conference plays out, but it has brought my expectations down for awhile until I see something from our football program to change my mind.

Win or lose, we drink the booze!
Originally posted by tommie:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
It's funny, I have kind of held back from saying this ... but when all the conversations have come up about expansion, I too thought of our coach and do not believe he's the guy for the job under the current circumstance and even more so under expansion.

Of course, I haven't changed my feelings they have been here since day one. I really do believe this will be a shortlived career for him at GT.

Now, anyone can disagree but this is my opinion and it hasn't changed since he was hired.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTechAnalysis can i ask you what have you base your opinion on? Like was it because of last season or some gut feeling you just have?
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">My feelings are based on my personal observations and it started before the hire. But you know, I felt this way about Bill Lewis and said back them ... let's see what he can do? Everything that happened after that was reaffirmed ... ditto for this past season.

I not going to get into a "you're not a fan" thing here because that's ludicrous to think anyone is not a fan because they don't like the coach. I was not a Bill Curry fan, nor was I a Bill Lewis fan - but have only missed 5 games in 29 years. My feelings for any coach are based on my knowledge and what I see and feel.

I knew that if I said this - everyone gets on the negative bandwagon about "why are you this and why are you that". I don't question why people think he's okay for GT - that's your perogative but I do question why everyone tends to harp on those of us who don't agree.

That is an issue that is beyond understanding. I would never attack anyone who has a positive attitude about who the coach is, there are many here. But we who are in the other camp need to be given the same respect - it's called freedom of speech!

When I stated my response to the original post it was because I have the same feelings as the original poster - point blank that's it. I or anyone here give opinions, some we agree on some we don't. If anyone feels I should come on here and agree with every post that says positives about the coach - I'm gone that quickly.

Am I offended - no because I've been a long time fan before any website existed. I am disappointed that we as fans of GT can be so questioned to want to make another poster have to recite in detail why and how come. You can call it what you want but it's an admission of feelings. End of story.
anyone want to bash me now for me expressing my comments about Gailey??? geez...if this stuff is true, he is partly responsible.
Yes, actually.

What you said was unfounded. You've not seen the team this year and have no idea as to what will happen.

Many may disagree with me, but I don't see how you can say you fully support Tech with this sort of attitude.
Originally posted by tommie:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
It's funny, I have kind of held back from saying this ... but when all the conversations have come up about expansion, I too thought of our coach and do not believe he's the guy for the job under the current circumstance and even more so under expansion.

Of course, I haven't changed my feelings they have been here since day one. I really do believe this will be a shortlived career for him at GT.

Now, anyone can disagree but this is my opinion and it hasn't changed since he was hired.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTechAnalysis can i ask you what have you base your opinion on? Like was it because of last season or some gut feeling you just have?
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTechAnalysis i only ask why pos or neg i just wanted to see where you where comming from. I did not attack you for what you said and i don't know how you got that out of my question. check my pass post and you will see i'm not a guy to go on and on about how people feel.IF I HAVE SAID ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU I'M SORRY IT WANT HAPPEN AGAIN.thanks anyway
I see few posters attacked for giving their opinions. I see many posters rebuffed for making statements for facts when they have neither fact nor information to confirm their statement of facts.

I have just entered the board for the first time today. I read a post or two about the possibility of 11 football players failing.

Immediately, many of those who bashed Gailey before he ever coached a game started coming out of the woodwork and used the failed football players to prove Gailey should be fired.

Since I have no idea who the players are, I would ask the question, "are these players that were recruited by Gailey last year? He only has one recruiting class attending Tech. If these were players recruited by the O'Leary staff, how does their failings have anything to do with Gailey?

If eleven players failed, it was their own fault and not Gailey's fault. I would submit that the possibility exists that these players wanted to fail, because they did not want to play for Gailey. It is also possible they may be part of the disgruntled group that layed down in some of last years games.

I will await the names of these players to see if they are from last years recruiting class which would reflect on Gailey, or whether they are from the previous years classes which would reflect on O'Leary and his recruiters.

There is no way the failures could be accountable to Gailey if they are from O'Leary's recruits. If they are, the ones coming out of the woodwork to condemn Gailey are still off base.

I gotta agree with GEETEE if the rumor mill is true. We will never be competitive with Gailey at the helm if 11 players flunked out. I don't care if they were his recruits or O'Leary's recruits. The fact is very much a coaches responsibility to keep these guys in school. While it is ultimately the player's responsibility to earn the grades, the coach is very responsible for discipline on the team. And one of the things that was so evidently missing last year was discipline. If Gailey thinks he can treat these kids like they are pro players and that they will already have self-imposed discipline when they step onto campus, then he's wrong. I can't wait to see what this does for recruiting. What parent wants to send their kids to a team where the coach doesn't take an active role in keeping them in school.
Ahso it's Gailey's program, Gailey's team and Gailey's players. You cannot blame O'Leary for Gailey's shortcomings. Gailey is in charge and must be held accountable. IMHO this would never have happened under O'Leary's watch. Bring back O'Leary or find someone else who can get the job done.

Go Jackets!
You're wrong, AH. If coaches aren't responsible for the growth of a student-athlete (a.k.a. keeping him in school) then why does Hewitt make his players run when they skip class?
No, I am not wrong. It is still up to the athlete to pass his courses if he wants to play for the school and the coach.

If they did not pass, they did not want to bad enough. This very well could be a reflection on there desires to work hard enough on their studies to play for Gailey. If they don't want to work hard enough to play for Gailey, they need to be on their way out the door to make room for those who do.

This could very well be the same players who laid down on Tech in the Georgia game and the bowl game. I say, "if they don't want to work hard enough to play for Tech, no matter who is coach, good riddance".

You can lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. You can provide all the assistance the students need, but if they don't care whether they pass the courses, the coach can do nothing about it.

GeeTee, can I jump all over you for stating incorrect facts?!? The Silicon Valley Bowl is still in existence; it was the Seattle Bowl which got decertified.

I know that was only a small part of the point you were trying to make, but I'm calling you out because your original post was stated with such certainty, I just wanted others to know that maybe you don't have all the answers...
I'll put it to you this way, AH. I bet we wouldn't have this problem if Gailey said, "If you don't go to class this week, then you don't play this weekend."

And you still didn't answer my question. If coaches aren't responsible for player's grades, then why does Hewitt make his players run when they skip class?
H-town, I don't think the coach can be responsible for the player's grades, but he is responsible for making them go to class. The two are related but they aren't the same thing. If a kid goes to class and tutoring but can't pass that's just the way it is. But if he skips class that's a different story.
H-Town, you are trying to simplify a problem that is deeper than attending class.

How do you know Gailey does not discipline his players if they skip class?

You are guessing and making unfounded statements. You are assuming they do not attend class, and you are assuming Gailey knows it and does nothing about it.

Reread the description of the word assume (ass u me).

Originally posted by tommie:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by tommie:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
It's funny, I have kind of held back from saying this ... but when all the conversations have come up about expansion, I too thought of our coach and do not believe he's the guy for the job under the current circumstance and even more so under expansion.

Of course, I haven't changed my feelings they have been here since day one. I really do believe this will be a shortlived career for him at GT.

Now, anyone can disagree but this is my opinion and it hasn't changed since he was hired.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTechAnalysis can i ask you what have you base your opinion on? Like was it because of last season or some gut feeling you just have?
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTechAnalysis i only ask why pos or neg i just wanted to see where you where comming from. I did not attack you for what you said and i don't know how you got that out of my question. check my pass post and you will see i'm not a guy to go on and on about how people feel.IF I HAVE SAID ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU I'M SORRY IT WANT HAPPEN AGAIN.thanks anyway
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Tommie: Unfortunatley I used answering your post to also say to others about fairness in our opinions...I apologize for that and did not take your post as a hit from you!