YUP, you are just about right here. BUT!, let's keep this thing in perspective while we're at it. What do you think it would take for GT to be able to recruit the 5 star & the 4 star recruits that are so sought after? What's it gonna take to get them in here? We may occasionally get a high dollar recruit at GT, but not consistently. I think if GT were to drop the standards that are required to be a student athlete here, we could get just about anyone we wanted. BUT! then GT would not be GT anymore either. GT would be just another school like UGA, FSU, MIAMI, etc. No sir, I like GT just the way it is. Am I happy with all that happens on the field? NO SIR, an emphatic NO SIR!!!! but given the restraints that all GT coaches have to work under, I think we are doing pretty well. Not well enough, but pretty dog gone well. GT is a special school, and even though I'm not an alumni, I've been brought up as a small child being a GT fan. I still get a lump in my throat when the band strikes up "UP WITH THE WHITE AND GOLD"-"RAMBLING WRECK" songs. Tie that in with the "NATIONAL ANTHEM", and I'm a wimp before kickoff. Man, GT IS SPECIAL!! and I'm proud to be a fan of GT win lose or draw. When we get right down to brass tacks, CCG does a pretty fair job of coaching considering what he has to work with between recruiting and the hill. Of all of the games so far this year, the one I was most concerned about was Wake Forrest, believe it or not. We won it, we won it, we won it, just like the Clemson one.......etc. Get on board pahdna and enjoy the ride cause this tour ain't over yet.