Reggie's Unsportsmanlike

Chan seemed to agree after the ref explained it to him. I watched it again but obviously couln't tell anything. I had noticed him jawing a couple of times earlier in the game too. I do wonder if it's something that he will be disciplined for in some way.
GTCalvinist said:
Chan seemed to agree after the ref explained it to him. I watched it again but obviously couln't tell anything. I had noticed him jawing a couple of times earlier in the game too. I do wonder if it's something that he will be disciplined for in some way.

He runs his mouth EVERY game. SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!!!
CG is very aware of RB's mouth. He was asked about it in a recent interview and stated it was an issue early in his Freshman year, but it had been dealt with. CG also said he likes it (not his words). He doesn't want to calm down RB too much because it will take away from his enthusiasm. He did state that it would be dealt with if it became an issue. I don't think one flag in 5 games is an issue - unless I'm wrong and he's been flagged in another game this year.
Yeah, I read that too. I don't think the issue is that it was once in 5 games, I think the issue is what was actually said/done. I like Reggie's killer instinct and actually find it a little funny that he runs his mouth when he's half the size of the other guy, but if it was something blatant and uncalled for, I think it needs to be addressed.

That being said, I have no idea what was done or said that drew the penalty. Maybe Chan didn't think it was any big deal, just Reggie being Reggie. I dunno.
Just observing Chan on TV, it seems the ref's explanation satisfied him as to why the penalty was called, but it did not seem to upset him with Reggie much if any.

Three and one half years and you have to accept the bad with the good with RB. He is super competitive, spirited, athletic, and can make great plays. We saw that today. He is also capable of making some ill-timed mistakes and talks too much to opponents. We saw that, too, today.

As we look at the full career that is now in its home stretch, he deserves credit for more wins than losses and for being a part of some truly terrific wins in GT football history, from the Auburn game when he was a freshman to today's big win at Blacksburg. From 51-7 to 38-27 in one year is a BIG DEAL!
You are right 77, but now sights are set on a bigger picture.
RB needs to keep his head in the game for 60 minutes if this very experienced team hopes to do something special.
You can bet that future opponents will try to get into his head. Reggie needs to understand that no one on the field has more experience than he has.
He can be a leader without running his mouth, regardless of bulletin board material.
GTCalvinist said:
...I think the issue is what was actually said/done.

Good point. I didn't really think about that.

The one thing we should remember is we were plaing the thugs. Sometimes that brings out the thug in you. RB does talk alot, but it's rarely excessive. If today was the first flag, then let it be. We got the win.
Reggie is Reggie. If he cuts down on his mistakes and hits the open man, I don't care how much he talks. But he does need to stop short of penalties.
Reggie's mouth was dealt with in his freshman year. Chan said if he got bad again he'd handle it. I believe a 15 yard penalty vs VT qualifies as "bad," so does Chan, so I expect it will be "dealt with" again.
beej67 said:
Reggie's mouth was dealt with in his freshman year. Chan said if he got bad again he'd handle it. I believe a 15 yard penalty vs VT qualifies as "bad," so does Chan, so I expect it will be "dealt with" again.

Let's not forget one thing: the refs had it in for us. Phantom pass interferences calls come to mind. Maybe nothing harsh was really said. Even so, one penalty is not the end of the world. Let RB talk; it's part of his game. As long as his performance remains at the level it's been at this year, let him talk. We need his intensity.
yea the refs were too iffy to know if Reggie was truly out of line.

The reality is there is MUCH "jawing" going on when you play the big schools.

I will tell you that Jorden stated that Larry Bird was the biggest talker he ever played against.
GTWannaBee said:
Let's not forget one thing: the refs had it in for us. Phantom pass interferences calls come to mind. Maybe nothing harsh was really said.

You got that right. Line them up! :behead:
ncjacket has it right. Reggie is Reggie. If his aggressiveness starts to become a liability, I am sure Chan will deal with it.
techjacket said:
I really wish he would just shut up and play football.

Well put....

However, over the years I've learned that's how some folk psyche themselves up. Reminds me of a little brat kid I had in PeeWees that did the same identical thing. Never drew a penalty for it but that was just his way of bluffing the others.

On the other hand, I had a kid playing baseball for me once that had NEVER played any kind of organized sport before in his life. This kid played too far off of 1st base and got tagged out for a third out. I turned my back and started for the duggout when I heard an awful commotion, looked around and saw the he was whooping the fire out of the first baseman. I ran back, pulled him off the kid just as he kicked the 1st baseman kid in the head. I asked him what was wrong with him to do that and he said it was because that little SOB 1st baseman tagged him out. And, he wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again. Well, it didn't happen again because he was ejected and I almost was too. My player was raised in what we called "the projects." Ever kid I ever played that lived in the project area were tough as nails and mean as snakes. You had to love them because they didn't leave ANYTHING on the field. They would give you everything they had and it usually brought with it a "W". They were very bad to start fights, but that was their way of psycheing themselves up and establishing who they were to all else.

Reggie reminds me a lot of some of these "Project" kids. Like it or not, that was just the way they went about life, either jawing ((smack talk), I just recently learned) or by fist fighting.

Saying all that is just to say, who knows what makes some of these kid's tick? I never will know.....
Rome that is a great story and may be applicable to RB. It probably is.

However, the big difference in your experience vs Reggie Ball is that by your admission, your player is or was in a pee-wee league. I would think and hope that RB has had the coaching and life experiences while at Tech to channel his competitiveness differently.

Of course now that I have just written this, I realize he has been knocked around pretty hard during the last 4 years.

The VERY positive thing about yesterday's penalty is that he was most likely ready to go nuts before the kickoff. That he stayed in control until his final offensive play is remarkable.
If he can continue to play with controlled passion/fury like yesterday, I hope CG can find more opponent smack on Reggie every week.

Reggie if you are reading this, great game! By the way, Tra Battle said yesterday was a fluke. Er, so did Ralphie Boy. :D
I Won't Comment Until I Know What Was Done Or Said

I was listening to the Bravos the other night, and they were talking about the ejection of Braves catcher McCann.

According to them, the home plate umpire, who had a pinhole of a strike zone all game, called a ball low. The umpire asked McCann where he thought it was. "Down the middle," said the Braves catcher without turning around.


I saw Chan's reaction to the explanation of the penalty, and it was the same facial expression I think he would have used whether Ball deserved it or if he thought the officiating crew was unhinged.

My guess is that Ball said a word that college football players use on the field all the time, but is "unsportsmanlike". The officials could call that pretty much any play, but chose that one time to kill our momentum. Because it is cut and dried, you can't really argue it.

And unsportsmanlike calls can escalate fast if you fight them hard enough. The escalation would have not been good for GT.
Re: I Won't Comment Until I Know What Was Done Or Said

Techbert said:
The officials could call that pretty much any play, but chose that one time to kill our momentum.

I didn't feel like we had all that much momentum on 4th and 5 getting ready to punt.

The penalty on Reggie may have been perfectly well deserved, rather than arbitrarily applied by the refs to hinder us.

Considering the officiating up to that point, my dream scenario is Reggie called the ref a c***s***er. Then when the ref reported it to Chan, his response was him thinking, "Yeah, good point, Reggie."
Re: I Won't Comment Until I Know What Was Done Or Said

mm42 said:
Considering the officiating up to that point, my dream scenario is Reggie called the ref a c***s***er. Then when the ref reported it to Chan, his response was him thinking, "Yeah, good point, Reggie."
