Remaining Committable Offers...


Flats Noob
Apr 9, 2007
Sorry guys...Scout must be crying about the list. I am taking it down to prevent any finger pointing and such. Again, my apologies.
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Nice Mustang!!

According to the AJC today, we've also offered A.J. Portee from Mays HS. I haven't talked to anyone to see if it's true. No other sites have him as an offer.
A.J. Portee from Mays HS.

I heard his name mentioned a couple of weeks ago...I think it was him... as someone that we were taking a look at. However, I have not heard anything about him receiving an offer...other than that article.

Anyone else have any information?
Also, I left Mike Triglia off the list after Sidewalk and Hivered informed the board that he no longer had an offer.

Did anyone ever hear of a reason for this?
this is a free site..not the hive my man.

that list should not be there.:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:
Re: Remaining Offers...

I appreciate your input. By golly, you're as valuable as a well seasoned coon dog. And that's a good statement.
read closely. uncommitted players with COMMITTABLE offers.
I have seen on the Hive Isiders board that you have a push pinned list of offers. Is this what you are referring to? I don't have an Insiders account at Scout, so I can't see that list. However, I do know a couple of fellows that are members of the Hive that will give me a heads-up when big news is coming. Also, that is how I know that prospects like Jarboe are not considered committable, even though they are listed as having offers by Scout.

However, I will delete the list if it make you feel better. Anyone can go to the PROSPECTS page and see the information anyway.
I think the only issue could be where you got the list. If you put it together yourself based on what you find on Scout and Rivals, so be it. Good work although the Prospects list isn't commitable offers, it's who kids say they have offers from. But if you copied it from the Insiders board I'd say that's a different story.
if the information is publicly available, there are no legal ramifications about posting it. an offer to an athlete makes that athlete a commitable prospect (except in urban meyer's case where he will deny an offered athlete a scholarship if he's waiting for decisions from "bigger fish")
offers sometimes have a shelf life. If we fill up at a certain position the outstanding offers for that position are no longer committable.
he's provided me more info than you have and it's not always cuz he's rippin' off scout or rivals. let's put it this way---i like him a LOT more than you.
don't step up to my boi

I never respond to mustangs stuff but you can usually tell its the same stuff from another board, hes usually just passing it along. I dont have a Scout account this is the only board I use, but I do read other boards and usually the info goes hand in hand.
its the same stuff from another board, hes usually just passing it along.

We all pass along information. It isn't my information or yours, so any news that you or I or anyone else post has been passed along at some point.

I love the whole "Insider" information thing. Like it is a secret society or something. Pay your money and we will "PASS ALONG" this valuable information to you a whole hour or two before it hits the Public Boards and the AJC.

Anyway, the list that I posted was not off of The Hive. I simply posted all the players that I knew of, that had offers and were still uncommitted. How is this "Insider" information. We all discuss daily the offers and who we would like to see offered and other such ramblings. I was simply centralizing these daily ramblings for the convinience of the other posters.

It is a message board for Christ sake...RANT OFF! ;)