- Get a radio flagship that isn't a mouthpiece for U[sic]GA
- Get rid of Russell Athletic
- Do away with TECH Fund
--- Re-emphasize the AT-Fund
--- Turn the AT-Fund into GT's IPTAY
- Bring back The Good Word
- Get the guy who did the "History GT Football" set to Zombie Nation video to redo a permanent History of GT Football montage set to "The Ecstasy of Gold". Update it as needed with epic things.
- If they aren't a capable judge of coaching talent, pay as much as it takes to get somebody who is. Because there hasn't been a lights out hire at coach at GT in any sport since Homer Rice left town
- Start a long term fund to completely redo BDS, from the ground up, engineered to maximize crowd noise and good seats (this means a closed horseshoe with steeply raked seats and overhead shade/acoustic booms)
- Push The Hill for expanded majors and mission scope of GT
- Be willing to fight The Hill -- publicly if necessary -- over pointless academic hurdles for athletes above and beyond NCAA/ACC requirements
- The Clemson rivalry matters. Don't drop it. In fact, there should be a trophy and it should be called the Battle of I-85 ... both because it is appropriate and a middle finger to UGAg and the Triangle and Auburn.
- Have serious experience at a major .edu where football drives the athletic bus
- Be from South of the Potomac and/or Ohio Rivers and east of the Mississippi River.
Ooops. I think I accidentally replied super cereal. I'll ****post later to make up for that.