Response from Braine to former S/A

General Wood

Varsity Lurker
May 14, 2003
> From: Dave Braine []
> Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 3:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: The Club Section in Bobby Dodd Stadium
> We made a conscious decision to have a Club section with premium
> seating in the newly renovated/expanded Bobby Dodd Stadium. We
> made this decision after thorough market and peer institution
> research. We surveyed 29 peer institutions in the Southeast
> regarding Club seats. Without exception, each school told us
> "Our club section isn't big enough to satisfy the demand by our fans."
> We located the Club section in the middle of the lower east
> stands because it's a more attractive sell there. We offered
> season ticket holders from the middle of the lower east stands a
> substantial discount (with incremental increases) on the seat
> premium if they wished to retain their seats. If the Club
> section had not been developed, we would have been missing an
> important component of our stadium financing plan. If Sections
> 125 and 126 were not Club seats and had been available for the
> reseating process, you would have needed a minimum of 500 points
> to qualify for the worst seats in these sections.
> The Club seats did not sell well, but we believe they will after
> people have a chance to see first-hand the amenities in the
> section. Meanwhile, we want the seats to be filled with loyal
> Georgia Tech fans, so, for this season only, we located our staff
> tickets there. The Club seats distributed through ISP went to
> Georgia Tech sponsors who buy ads in the game programs or during
> the coaches' shows, etc.
> Your baseless accusations cannot dampen the joy I felt Saturday
> for our players, coaches and fans. I would appreciate it if you
> would share my response with the "100+ loyal Georgia Tech fans"
> to whom you sent your open letter.
> David T. Braine
> Athletic Director
> Georgia Tech
> 150 Bobby Dodd Way NW
> Atlanta, Ga. 30332-0455
> 404-894-5411

Basically Braine is saying that he has no clue. He thinks GT is just like 29 other institutions. He polled "peers" and not fans. I hope everyone is starting to see why Braine is so bad for GT.

I love this part....

"If the Club
> section had not been developed, we would have been missing an
> important component of our stadium financing plan"

Hmmmm, maybe you should have figured out if you could actually sell those seats before you made them an important part of your financiang plan????

"The Club seats did not sell well, but we believe they will after
> people have a chance to see first-hand the amenities in the
> section."

What will be his excuse next year when they don't sell?

The arrogance of this man is astounding.
Just another example of how out of touch he is with the people he supposedly works for.
Well,I guess he told us huh?
His letter sort of slides along until "your baseless blah blah blah" What an a---.

What any Tech fan knows - that he doesn't- is that there are tons of loyal Tech fans, that for varioius reasons, cannot or will not spend the money for a blow the lights out contribution. Nonetheless, they will buy single game tickets, and should go to the head of the line, meaning the ability to purchase tickets, prior to the infamous August 1st date - I compare it to the Oklahoma land rush for visiting teams, namely Georgia.

Heck, Braine should give them away to needy kids, boy scouts or high school teams who someday will remember Tech games fondly before hawking them at pawn shops or letting necks from Georgia line up outside the Edge Center.

What an arrogant idiot.
Originally posted by General Wood:
&> We made a conscious decision to have a Club section with premium
> seating in the newly renovated/expanded Bobby Dodd Stadium. We
> made this decision after thorough market and peer institution
> research. We surveyed 29 peer institutions in the Southeast
> regarding Club seats. Without exception, each school told us
> "Our club section isn't big enough to satisfy the demand by our fans."
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">If he produces the results of that market survey and shows them to the fans I for one would quit complaining. I find it hard to imagine that any market survey would say there was a demand for 2,000 Tech football tickets at $125 per. As a matter of fact, I agree completely with the General in that this was a scam from the beginning to force Tech fans into poor seats so we could reward the Braine crew.
Originally posted by General Wood:
&gt; From: Dave Braine []
&gt; Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 3:50 PM
&gt; To:
&gt; Subject: The Club Section in Bobby Dodd Stadium
&gt; We made a conscious decision to have a Club section with premium
&gt; seating in the newly renovated/expanded Bobby Dodd Stadium. We
&gt; made this decision after thorough market and peer institution
&gt; research. We surveyed 29 peer institutions in the Southeast
&gt; regarding Club seats. Without exception, each school told us
&gt; "Our club section isn't big enough to satisfy the demand by our fans."
&gt; &gt;
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">But what "Braine-dead" does not say is which "peer institutions" were surveyed. It should not be a shock that huge state schools w/large fan bases--tennessee, ugag, auburn, alabama, clemson, s. carolina, fsu, uf, lsu, etc. don't have trouble selling seats. GT unfortunately does not possess this problem. We need to be doing everything we can to attract new ticket holders, not driving away longtime fans so that some corporate dollars can "enjoy" the game from the club area and leave the seats empty to show up on tv.

It will be interesting to see the master plan from Brainedead on nat'l tv. for Maryland (w/lots of empty seatas) and filled w/ugag fans come november.
While he was doing his MKT poll at 29 schools he might has asked the present seat holders what might be fair assuming the price was going up.Maybe a better PLAN might have appeared.
DaBraine-"the author of flunkgate"is in his ivory tower with Clough laughing all the way to the bank
OK here is the deal, we give UGA Brain Dead and we willnot make UGA jokes for at least a month. Heck, UGA would not even take Brain Dead, at least UGA has an AD who listens to the Alums and Students, just not the Prez.

Bye Bye Davie
OK, I've seen enough. Braine needs to go and the sooner the better. I can take a misjudgment, but not the following integrity issues and crap they're doing now. Why not admit a mistake for demand and take appropriate steps???

I'm this close [] to ending my A-T fund contributions and getting my tix like bulldog. Throughout the process we've been promised certain things wouldn't happen and now they have. This arrogant reply is enough for me. I'll stick around for a while to see if any KKing actions follow, but if not. I'm outta here re: A-T.

BTW: If you don't read the Hive ... they told me no less than 4 times I needed to move my RV from my RESERVED lot last Friday (along w/others). Does anyone communicate over there????????? Sheeeeesh!
Just thought I would let you know that
the response from Braine is a "pat"
response. Scott McLaurin (sp?) gave
this identical response to me a couple
of weeks ago, regarding the enhanced
seating debacle.
OGB, you are saying that DB issued the pat response, and then added his personal dig, or had someone do it for him.

Thank you. He is a beauty!!
I would rather put them in and TRIED than to not have done it. I am going to think positive about this with regards to the future, BUT I think MAJOR concessions should have been made to previous holders.
Originally posted by General Wood:
&gt; From: Dave Braine []
&gt; Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 3:50 PM
&gt; To:
&gt; Subject: The Club Section in Bobby Dodd Stadium
&gt; We made a conscious decision to have a Club section with premium
&gt; seating in the newly renovated/expanded Bobby Dodd Stadium. We
&gt; made this decision after thorough market and peer institution
&gt; research. We surveyed 29 peer institutions in the Southeast
&gt; regarding Club seats. Without exception, each school told us
&gt; "Our club section isn't big enough to satisfy the demand by our fans."
&gt; We located the Club section in the middle of the lower east
&gt; stands because it's a more attractive sell there. We offered
&gt; season ticket holders from the middle of the lower east stands a
&gt; substantial discount (with incremental increases) on the seat
&gt; premium if they wished to retain their seats. If the Club
&gt; section had not been developed, we would have been missing an
&gt; important component of our stadium financing plan. If Sections
&gt; 125 and 126 were not Club seats and had been available for the
&gt; reseating process, you would have needed a minimum of 500 points
&gt; to qualify for the worst seats in these sections.
&gt; The Club seats did not sell well, but we believe they will after
&gt; people have a chance to see first-hand the amenities in the
&gt; section. Meanwhile, we want the seats to be filled with loyal
&gt; Georgia Tech fans, so, for this season only, we located our staff
&gt; tickets there. The Club seats distributed through ISP went to
&gt; Georgia Tech sponsors who buy ads in the game programs or during
&gt; the coaches' shows, etc.
&gt; Your baseless accusations cannot dampen the joy I felt Saturday
&gt; for our players, coaches and fans. I would appreciate it if you
&gt; would share my response with the "100+ loyal Georgia Tech fans"
&gt; to whom you sent your open letter.
&gt; David T. Braine
&gt; Athletic Director
&gt; Georgia Tech
&gt; 150 Bobby Dodd Way NW
&gt; Atlanta, Ga. 30332-0455
&gt; 404-894-5411
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
Originally posted by texstinger:
I would rather put them in and TRIED than to not have done it. I am going to think positive about this with regards to the future, BUT I think MAJOR concessions should have been made to previous holders.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I agree with you IF there was some proof that GT fans wanted them.....

I am still waiting on that proof.
To Braine: I don't need "amenities" for me to buy. How about some football? In specific, instead spending time fly fishing and contacting your cronies about marketing surveys you could have been doing something to help our 10 players stay eligible.
Originally posted by Father WASP:
His letter sort of slides along until "your baseless blah blah blah" What an a---.

What any Tech fan knows - that he doesn't- is that there are tons of loyal Tech fans, that for varioius reasons, cannot or will not spend the money for a blow the lights out contribution. Nonetheless, they will buy single game tickets, and should go to the head of the line, meaning the ability to purchase tickets, prior to the infamous August 1st date - I compare it to the Oklahoma land rush for visiting teams, namely Georgia.

Heck, Braine should give them away to needy kids, boy scouts or high school teams who someday will remember Tech games fondly before hawking them at pawn shops or letting necks from Georgia line up outside the Edge Center.

What an arrogant idiot.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">------------------------------------------------

What he said !!!

I agree 100% - especially the last sentence