response to coach bashing


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 15, 2001
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
The coaches are like parents in a way to a lot of these kids. Is it ok to bash parents of student athletes? It's one thing to be critical of a coach, but to make continued personal attacks towards a coach is getting personal with the student athletes. I can understand being objective about play calling and such. It's your board, and It's a great board. Appreciate it very much. I don't know how much some of you get to know coaches and player. If you do you can't help but get to know the coaches as well. On a winning successful program these three groups here become very close. They've become close at GT already. A lot of these players spend more time with coaches than a lot of us do with our family that we live in the same house with. Again it's one thing to be objective and state opinions. It's another to make continued personal attacks on a coach.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">GTTerrific I moved this to proper forum,

You bring up VERY valid points and as a moderator it can be tough when you read where someone is trashing another (justified or not). But understand these people are PUBLIC FIGURES. They have chosen to put themselves in a position where they are scrutinized. Our coaches all make $100,000+ and when they are successful they can go on to be head coaches at Notre Dame, Alabama, Maryland, and the San Diego Chargers (all being mistakes to leave GT).

The people that it is hardest on is the family and friends of these coaches, but everyone makes choices. These people have chosen to coach at a high profile institute.

We live in a country where you can voice your opinion and we made a decision when we started this board to allow a freedom of speech with the only exception being to protect student athletes.

In the end it all comes out in the wash. If CG is successful his detractors will be few and far between. Lets hope that is the case.

DO NOT misunderstand tolerance as endorsement. We would hope people could articulate themselves in a dignified manor with well thought out responses, but then again this is not the editorial page of the NY Times.
Thanks for moving the post to this board. Not sure why I put it down below. It had been on my mind, and something on another board triggered it.
Believe me. I understand coaches are public figures. I understand who they work for and how much they get paid. I'm not concerned about the coaches taking the bashing. I'm concerned about the players. I understand that anyone has a right to say what they think too.

If you can rationalize "criticizing student athletes" into "criticizing coaches" you have a successful career in liberal democratic politics ahead of you!!!
Ramblinwise1. Yeah, I hear ya. That's not what I said though. I said it's getting close to the players, as in relationship close. I believe you missed my point.