Rev. Richt reads from the book of Vince, Saint of Dooley


Varsity Lurker
Oct 29, 2002
Cast the pigskin upon the plains of SanfordandSon
and pray mightily. For the swarming horde of
YellowJackets is sure to lay us waste and generally spill the blood of all bulldogs near and far.

There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth
by the peoples of the Nation of Bulldog. They will
look for guidance from disciples Bucky of Blew and
Hershey of Walker and find none for the bulldog peoplehave fornicated with the beasts of the field and bow down to a priest of Bowden.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of SanfordandSon I will fear the YellowJackets for theirs is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.
