Reverse Karma thread

Mark Richt acts likes nobody else is a Christian or prays the way he does should win.
Miami fans are always gracious enough to point out when their team makes "another MIAMI first down", which is helpful for those of us who might not be paying attention. Not every fan base is that thoughtful.
Mark Richt acts likes nobody else is a Christian or prays the way he does should win.

Thats because he is the only real true believer. I only hope he can manage to transform that heathen city of miami into a moralistic, Christian utopia the same way he was able to do in Athens
Gloria Estefan was a virtuoso performer and her trombonist could really toot a horn.
They were nice enough to defer to incumbent ACC teams for the first 12 years before attempting to compete for an ACC championship.
The 7th Floor Crew was an excellent representative of the school and football team.
Mark Richt can be forgiven for marrying Big while Tom Hanks was marooned on the island. After all, she thought he was dead.
Mark Richt can be forgiven for marrying Big while Tom Hanks was marooned on the island. After all, she thought he was dead.

I agree, and im glad he stopped wooing guys with a wet tshirt and posing nude for homosexuals. He really needed a role model for his handicapped kid.
Miami fans deserve accolades for saving our planet by carpooling on the 45 minute drive to their home stadium.
Mark Richt coached teams are excellent at the squib kicks.... Am i doing this right?