Road Game tailgating--you in?


Jan 29, 2002
Since Axe, GTadamni have posted great season previews thus far of GT and a few of our opponents (along w/AJ on the hive), I am getting even more excited about football being about 5 or 6 weeks away.

Are any of you guys (and gals) planning on attending any of the road games? I have Clemson marked down as a yes and more than likely UNC as well; will have to play the others by ear. If you are planning on making a road trip or 2, perhaps we could coordinate a tailgating spot for fonts to meet, eat and consume beers 'a plenty before the games. Anyone up for this?

So, whatta ya think of the new "tailgating" issues at GT now that the AA has decided to take over MOST of the lots and not allow them to be pay lots during football games? Lots such as O'Keefe, AMC, Student Center, etc will only be for qualified AT contributors and their season parking pass.
Well, Guy
, I'm not real pleased about it since I'm not a season ticket holder (still a student) or an AT contributor. But, I'll get over it and find somewhere to tailgate. I never tailgated in any of those places anyway, although I might would have this year. As long as there is somewhere for me to fire up the mini grill, hang out with friends, and toss the football a little bit, I'll be ok.
Originally posted by GT Adamni:
Well, Guy
, I'm not real pleased about it since I'm not a season ticket holder (still a student) or an AT contributor. But, I'll get over it and find somewhere to tailgate. I never tailgated in any of those places anyway, although I might would have this year. As long as there is somewhere for me to fire up the mini grill, hang out with friends, and toss the football a little bit, I'll be ok.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">As a ticket holder and GTAA donor I am quite happy
to be getting some value from my donations. You
would be quite welcome to visit my tent and toss
the football around between drinks. =]
Well, my secret spot to park will still be intact. I don't want to get my blood pressure up right now talking about our GTAA. Maybe I'll pose a question or 2 to Braine at the lunchbunch @ Frankie's in August.

Nonetheless, stick to the topic.
Road games and tailgating for them.

Where did you hear this? I am a season ticket and AT contributor but I've heard nothing about reserved lots and all. Where did you get this information?
The AA sent out a letter that a lot of folks received today in the mail. I posted about it over on the Hive and then coldbeer even scanned it, so you can see the actual letter over there. I know, I know, you probably don't even want to go over there, but it is there for your viewing.
Here is the letter:

This absolutely sucks....

I used to give the GTAA the benefit of the doubt with regard to the stadium & ticket issues, I've come full circle on that opinion.
Originally posted by GT98:
Are any of you guys (and gals) planning on attending any of the road games? I have Clemson marked down as a yes and more than likely UNC as well; will have to play the others by ear. If you are planning on making a road trip or 2, perhaps we could coordinate a tailgating spot for fonts to meet, eat and consume beers 'a plenty before the games. Anyone up for this?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">We usually have a designiated Hive spot for all road game tailgates. That's where most GT fans tend to congregate.

FWIW, I made 28 consecutive games, home and away, before the Seattle Bowl broke my streak. I should be able to make all the games again this year & start a new streak. UConn might be tough though.
coldbeer, I agree with ya man on this parking BS!! It's outta control. GT98 might have something with this thread, road tailgating will be more fun

We should change our 2002 marketing slogan from "the Golden Rule 2002" to "the No Tailgating Zone 2002"
Clemson is a definite probably for me .....Not sure about other games yet. So according to the letter posted, when I drive to GT for games I cannot longer park where I normally park. Do yall in Atlanta have any suggestions? Thanx!