Rodney from Watkinsville


Varsity Lurker
Jun 19, 2011
StingTalk Family,

As always great show this evening on BuzzTalk Radio. For those who haven't listened in yet, by far, this was our best show to date (outside of the exclusive with Kenny Anderson from a few months back).

Shout out to Rodney from Watkinsville for dialing into the broadcast and big thanks to Joey Weaver, Site Manager of From the Rumble Seat, for his insight. For those that didn't catch the show live this evening, you can view the replay along with all other past episodes at:


I promise you, if you're a GT fan, you will enjoy the show!

As an aside, I would really appreciate your feedback on the quality of the sound, content, flow. As we kick the season off, we will be adding more production to the show and commercials, etc. in line with a standard radio talk show format.

As a reminder, we go live every Monday at 830pm and you can listen or call in live at 347-989-8385 to ask general questions about the program, make comments, or just to say "To Hell With Georgia" or my all time favorite, "I'll hang up and listen now"

Go Jackets,

Just a heads up, unless something has changed that I'm unaware of I believe all self-promotion is supposed to be limited to one thread. Pretty good etc.
"Stingtalk family"

More like The Donner Party.
Same here, thanks for putting this together! Fun way to spend my drive into work. Looking forward to the rest.
Good stuff, but I'll ask the same question I've asked before. When are you gonna invite a Stingtalker to be on your show?
Good stuff, but I'll ask the same question I've asked before. When are you gonna invite a Stingtalker to be on your show?

Coit would be perfect, he could tell you all about the virtues of the leather helmet. He's lived through Georgia Tech football from the beginning.
Coit would be perfect, he could tell you all about the virtues of the leather helmet. He's lived through Georgia Tech football from the beginning.

Are you kidding? He'd be terrible! He'd get in there and just start singing Man of Constant Sorrow.
Nah, I would be far from the best ST'er for the job. I think we should have Beestorm and TIA on.

TIA can talk football and Beestorm can talk about girls from Conyers.
That was a good listen. Thanks for sharing!
Nah, I would be far from the best ST'er for the job. I think we should have Beestorm and TIA on.

TIA can talk football and Beestorm can talk about girls from Conyers.

Yes, but nobody has your rich history.
I'd like to hear that guy who had the UGAg podcast. His thoughts on last year's game would be interesting.
Colt the number is 347-989-8385. Look forward to hearing from you or any other ST member on next Monday at 830 in anticipation of toe meets leather.

The Jacket, the dawg troll is coming on next week I think. He had trouble dialing in yesterday. I guess there were too many consecutive numbers to work thru.

Thanks for all the feedback. We are really passionate and we aren't going anywhere!!!

BTW don't forget to set your DVR for Friday at 11pm for the Driven episode on the 25th anniversary of the 1990 team.
Colt the number is 347-989-8385. Look forward to hearing from you or any other ST member on next Monday at 830 in anticipation of toe meets leather.

Nice job this time, sounded like someone said "toe meets rubber" on the show :lol:
We need BOR and BuzzCzar to name everyone on StingTalk who is a dumbass.

Currently it's:

76tornados, Akinji07, bmarsh07, BuzzLaw, carmex, CheWreck, declinometer, Deke, derekp, Dhatura, doddfanjr, EffinDane, eneq, GT1992, GTCrew, gtfan247365, gth860h, GTLiebs, GTMensLax&SoccerD1Soon!, GTMom, GTrav, GTsuperfan, GTTerrific, infinijacket, JacketFan77, JoeHamLovechild, Lay em down & smackem Jackets, NatiJacket, OldGold75, PM Gold, samk73, savbandjacket, ScionOfSouthland, SNG55, SparrowGT, swampsting, TechPhi97, txsting, WG19Jacket, willyg