Rodney from Watkinsville

I won't. We should have a strong enough schedule either way. If they actually join the ACC, I may root for ND, but not now. I had rather UVa win just to reduce the ACC sucks BS.

Definitely a huge opportunity, unless ND somehow finds a way to lose to UVA. (Do we cheer for ND this Saturday??) That would take some luster off the match-up
Currently it's:

76tornados, Akinji07, bmarsh07, BuzzLaw, carmex, CheWreck, declinometer, Deke, derekp, Dhatura, doddfanjr, EffinDane, eneq, GT1992, GTCrew, gtfan247365, gth860h, GTLiebs, GTMensLax&SoccerD1Soon!, GTMom, GTrav, GTsuperfan, GTTerrific, infinijacket, JacketFan77, JoeHamLovechild, Lay em down & smackem Jackets, NatiJacket, OldGold75, PM Gold, samk73, savbandjacket, ScionOfSouthland, SNG55, SparrowGT, swampsting, TechPhi97, txsting, WG19Jacket, willyg

I take that as a compliment.
Would love to hear from fans on tonight's show. BuzzTalk at 830 tonight. To listen live you can click this link

or call in at 347-989-8385. What's on the hearts and minds of Jackets fans after a quarter of the season is in the books!?!
I feel like that game is a toss up. It should be Notre Dame's third challenging game of the season, but our first. I think we're better but I'm not confident we can go in to South Bend with so much new inexperience at skill positions and expect to score on most of our offensive possessions. I could see a lot of fumbles. The game won't make or break our season though so I'm looking forward to it.

Do I get any told-you-so/bad-fan points? :hsughcry:

Disappointed we (probably) won't get another shot at ND until 2019 but we'll take care of Duke!!
Just try and keep it family friendly and we welcome the I told you so's. Curious on what you told us!
Some great Radio Therapy tonight. For those that missed BuzzTalk tonight, you can always catch the replay at and now for those with IPhones you can subscribe thru their podcast app by searching "BuzzTalk."

Enjoy and Go Jackets!