Rules question on 2 point conversion

I didn't think the reffing was too bad. Most games will have some mistakes, and this one didn't have a whole lot to my eye. The most egregious was that they blew this play early, and while it didn't matter, I think that says something.

Isn't the consensus that it was a forward pass which hit the ground? If the most egregious refereeing mistake in the game was that they made the right call immediately on a close play then it must be the best officiated game in history :).

I also thought it was well reffed though. I would say the worst mistake was the obvious Tennessee non-catch, which they fortunately caught on replay.
I also thought it was well reffed though. I would say the worst mistake was the obvious Tennessee non-catch, which they fortunately caught on replay.

That was one of the funnier moments in the game... when they showed the replay as Tennessee was scrambling to get the next play off, the 35,000 plus people saying "NOOOO" in unison every time they changed the angle of the replay.
I thought the no PI call on Searcy was the worst call, but being at the game, it's so hard to tell. That one I do think was a potential game changer (first down kills another two minutes at least), but I'm sure there were some missed calls the other way as well.
I like how the refs waited about 5 minutes to call a touchdown when the only part of the quarterback not in the end zone was his ankle.

I agree. There were so many plays where forward progress was stopped and the play continued for an extra few seconds or so, the TD you mentioned included. I thought our guys did a great job with ball security in all of those instances
I also thought it was well reffed though. I would say the worst mistake was the obvious Tennessee non-catch, which they fortunately caught on replay.

They caught that one and corrected it so I don't count that one. The non PI on Searcy was questionable since the ball was thrown so far to the middle of the field. The worst IMO was the non OPI call on that pick route. Kept a drive going that ended up in a TD, when it would have (should have) otherwise been 3rd and 18 from around their own 45.