
This thread should be stickied so when people ask, "why is Stingtalk so unbelievably gay?" We can have this thread as the answer. Same suspects all circle jerking one another.

This thread is also the answer to "What is Stingtalk like during the offseason?"
I am okay with it as long as they wear the right shade of gold and we are ranked in the top 25
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UGAG would go on probation for recruiting Herschel, Pulpwood, etc,etc,etc
All of their second string Backs would transfer here.
They would have to forfeit all their games.
Their entire staff would be fired.

Pick one, two, or all of the above.
Is that why after 15 years you keep coming back for more?

It didn't start out gay... it has just slowly succumbed to that.

It just goes to show that even with gay sheite they can get you to bite...hook, line and sinker.

Yep, ain't gonna lie but sometimes this board out does itself with the perpetual circle jerk.
It didn't start out gay... it has just slowly succumbed to that.

Yep, ain't gonna lie but sometimes this board out does itself with the perpetual circle jerk.

At this point has the stick up your ass morphed into a part of your body? I'd be careful, it could start sprouting limbs with all of the seed you take up your asshole.
At this point has the stick up your ass morphed into a part of your body? I'd be careful, it could start sprouting limbs with all of the seed you take up your asshole.
In the spirit of Stingtalk, my stick morphed, sprouted limbs, and spread seed in your mother. Go toss some fries and race go carts homo.
In the spirit of Stingtalk, my stick morphed, sprouted limbs, and spread seed in your mother. Go toss some fries and race go carts homo.

I can be equally as mean. I ööööed your mom in her ass so hard she was bleeding Brown blood, I then used that blood as lube to öööö her in her skank mouth until I drilled out the other side and she was dead. And you go back to laying wood in men's back yards, that suits you perfectly you ööööing pessimistic dead mom having (because I ööööed the back of her head off) visor wearing loser.
Stingtalk in off season...