Saturday Games

Heupel refuses to kick fgs. Cost his team 12pts in 1st half.
Is that the same Bulovas kicking for Vandy that took a blue shirt to Alabama?
Refs just jobbed NC State

It’s time to forgive The ACC refs. They screwed up. They gave up and for that they deserve what they got from the fan base. But instead of taking all of that hate and folding under the pressure they managed to fight back and get a win for BC today.
Congrats Washington Huskies. Never have I seen a false start on the kicker, from a field goal attempt. Kicker went to kick and the ball was never snapped.
It’s time to forgive The ACC refs. They screwed up. They gave up and for that they deserve what they got from the fan base. But instead of taking all of that hate and folding under the pressure they managed to fight back and get a win for BC today.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Congrats Washington Huskies. Never have I seen a false start on the kicker, from a field goal attempt. Kicker went to kick and the ball was never snapped.
Lmao I was watching that Live and couldn’t believe it.