Say Goodbye to Kickoffs?

It would probably help GT out if they got rid of kickoffs. We haven't been able to cover a kickoff in decades.
It would probably help GT out if they got rid of kickoffs. We haven't been able to cover a kickoff in decades.
Butker kicking it through the back of the end zone solved this problem for the most part the last 2 years. (Butker was 3rd in the country with 52 touchbacks (out of 82 - 63%) in 2014 and had 41 out of 62 (66%) in 2015.)
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I think the odds this happens within the next decade are extremely high in the NCAA. They have to be thinking they're one on-field death in a major game away from their amateur model being turned upside down, and kickoffs are where that's most likely to occur.
I'd say with current trend and sisafication of America we will see kickoffs with two hand touch.
After the effects of special teams on Eric LeGrand and Ricardo Lockette, I wouldn't be surprised. Kickoffs and punts seem to have the highest potential for devastating hits - lots of untouched distance and people traveling at full speed. CB, S, TE, WR are all the most likely positions to suffer concussions for the same reason. They have athletes traveling untouched at full speed to devastating effect. As we learn more about the brain and the effects of football I have adopted an opinion that football as we know it today will not exist in 10-15 years. I think we are moving into a much safer version of the game, and understandably (and probably justified) so.
After the effects of special teams on Eric LeGrand and Ricardo Lockette, I wouldn't be surprised. Kickoffs and punts seem to have the highest potential for devastating hits - lots of untouched distance and people traveling at full speed. CB, S, TE, WR are all the most likely positions to suffer concussions for the same reason. They have athletes traveling untouched at full speed to devastating effect. As we learn more about the brain and the effects of football I have adopted an opinion that football as we know it today will not exist in 10-15 years. I think we are moving into a much safer version of the game, and understandably (and probably justified) so.

So they've gotten to you too?
So they've gotten to you too?

I'm sure MMA will continue on for the sadists out there looking for bloodsport. Whether we like it or not, football is moving in more conservative, precautionary direction. Football is America's favorite sport, and participation rates in youth football are declining. If the NFL wants to retain their pipeline they have to address the reasons for decline which right now are CTE, death/major injury, and mental health. The results may not be palatable for all; an example I can think of here is the Adam Gotsis targeting penalty. Either way, the momentum to continue moving into a safety mode isn't going to stop. There will continue to be changes to the way football players can tackle and block to avoid undue risk to the head and legs.