Short list of recent QB position changes


► Ģŏ ʝąҁʞεɫʂ ◄
Oct 30, 2002
This is just off the top of my head...feel free to add your own.

[begin rambling]

Just in the last few years, we've seen this happen to guys like Mark Logan (potential starting WR), Dawan Landry (starting safety), Rashan Johnson (is he still at WR?), and Jermaine Crenshaw (switched to WR in '99 then back to QB and later transferred). IIRC, wasn't Derrick Stegall recruited as a QB? And that's just at Tech.

Over at the cesspool, LaBrone Mitchell was supposed to be a stud QB in the late '90s - he later moved to WR and got decent playing time. I believe Maryland switched one time starting QB Calvin McCall to WR last year. There was a guy at NC State a couple years ago (Javaris Jackson?) that was supposed to be Jamie Barnette's replacement and the State savior - I think he switched to defense after a couple years as backup QB. The only other one I can think of is Drew Bennett at UCLA. He's about the size of DBo and they moved him to WR late in his career after being the starting QB for a while. He's now a big-play wideout with the Tennessee Titans.

[/end rambling]