<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">What we didn't need was another Bill Lewis....what we didn't need was to tear down what Coach O'leary built up for no good reason....what we didn't need was for our loyal assistant coaches to be mistreated so badly....Originally posted by jacketguy:
... we dont need supporters like Beeware...
You gold smoke blowers kind of remind me of the young boy that went downstairs on Christmas morning to find the room virtually filled with horsesh!t. Instead of being upset, the young boy eagerly jumped right in and started digging through it. When asked why he was so excited, he answered "Well, with this much horsesh!t in here, there MUST be a pony in here somewhere!!!
Maybe you guys will find a pony by August...or maybe not.

In 'Buck' We Trust