Snake bit

You gotta be either lucky or good in this game. Last year we were both. This year we are neither.
Snake bit is an old term that most of the these young social media savvy whipper snappers just don't get. We are indeed snake bit and we need to find some anti venom serum. Just need some good fortune to come our way, but as it stands it will have to be given to us for we appear uncapable of making our own.

Go Jackets!
We just weren't prepared for the refs to call a bogus PI we had for a third down stop.

We weren't prepred for their WR to do the best Mike Vick impression since Mike Vick.

We weren't prepared to deflect balls into the hands of their WR.

We weren't prepared to allow a kid to make a 56 harder that COULDVE been a 60 yarded.

We weren't prepared to allow Pittsburgh to rush over the snapper and block our FG attempt.

We weren't prepared to have two muffed punts bounce right into the mitts of the punt return man.

Who do we get to prepare us for these things?