Someone with a skilled hand needs to untimatly figure out BDS

All the people complaining never set foot inside nor give a single penny to GT.
I've given some money to the AA... and I wouldn't mind them doing something to make it look better. Personally I still really miss the South Stands. They were so dang old-fashioned. They made it really feel like the oldest FBS college stadium back then.
The only real issue is the godforsaken area under the lower east stands. Everything else is fine and just needs updating to bring it up to modern stadium standards. I like the south stands being right on the field. We need to move the visitors section, though, along with reorganizing the student sections and letterman/recruit sections. Basically, ensure the lower bowl is packed even if it means tarping the UN when we play duke.
The only real issue is the godforsaken area under the lower east stands. Everything else is fine and just needs updating to bring it up to modern stadium standards. I like the south stands being right on the field. We need to move the visitors section, though, along with reorganizing the student sections and letterman/recruit sections. Basically, ensure the lower bowl is packed even if it means tarping the UN when we play duke.

This exactly. Nothing more or less.
BDS@HGF is quirky and unique. The idiosyncrasies speak to its long and storied history. I love the way it looks. I'm all for upgrading amenities and a fresh coat of paint but I really don't understand the desire to make it look like any other "bowl" stadium.

I agree with this, with one caveat: the upper north looks like a tumor. Why did we make the endzone the highest part of the stadium?
Club seats should be in the LW. I have no idea why anyone would buy our club seats and stare into and bake in the afternoon sun.
Club seats should be in the LW. I have no idea why anyone would buy our club seats and stare into and bake in the afternoon sun.

The weaker ones watch the game in the lounge. They can't use beer as an excuse anymore because you can take it to your seat.

Should I delete this post in one hour?
lol a expansion soccer team brings more fans to BDS and you are crying about the looks of it...
If you want to tie things in without having to ADA it and have it look great, here...

Build a tower in the square space between the north and the west. Features of the tower would include a huge walkthrough arch for west stands access and stadium viewing on SE corner of the tower.

Then demolish the Edge and replace it with a matching tower in that space. Also with stadium viewing but obviously different on the lower levels since you dont need a walkthrough and the elevation is different. The stair access to east would need to be redone either inside the tower or otherwise.

I cant decide if the towers should be "like a castle tower" or if they should pay homage to the Tech Tower. Sketches would probably expose the winner.
Club seats should be in the LW. I have no idea why anyone would buy our club seats and stare into and bake in the afternoon sun.

Because if they club seats were in the LW then we wouldn't get all those sweet sweet empty gold seats on every one of our TV broadcasts.
I've given some money to the AA... and I wouldn't mind them doing something to make it look better. Personally I still really miss the South Stands. They were so dang old-fashioned. They made it really feel like the oldest FBS college stadium back then.

You liked being 40-50 yards away from the field? I remember the South Stands as a kid and didn't like those seats as it was far from the action. As a kid, I liked being underneath the overhang in the lower east. Now that I'm (much) older, I appreciate being in the upper west, out of the direct sun for the games early in the season.
You liked being 40-50 yards away from the field? I remember the South Stands as a kid and didn't like those seats as it was far from the action. As a kid, I liked being underneath the overhang in the lower east. Now that I'm (much) older, I appreciate being in the upper west, out of the direct sun for the games early in the season.
No I just liked the way they looked.
Oh no, our stadium isn't symmetrical.

I think we should go all crazy post-modern and own the asymmetry. Figure out ways to hang strange looking triangular stands in the corners, Esher style press boxes at odd angles, etc. Then have three big open concrete arches that enclose the whole thing, from which we hang sunbrella fabric in disjointed triangle patterns to provide shade, designed by a Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin student on crystal meth. Have planter boxes built into the arches to hang crazy vines and shit.

Then for halftime, we have base jumping thunderdome gladiator fights.
They set the 3 game MLS attendance record after last weekend.

Good for them. I hope they get out of our stadium soon because i'm getting annoyed with all the stupid talk about BDS and the campus by United fans.
I'd like to see us do what A&M did but on a smaller scale. Kyle Field used to look like this...

But now it's closed off and symmetrical:

Like I said, a smaller scale of this would be great. Their old design is similar to a scaled-up BDS, and I realize we have more challenges than they did, but it's an idea.

The big difference between Kyle Field and BDS is that Kyle Field is on an open plot of land, so it was easier to implode and rebuild the one side and then add on the end zone. At BDS, there are a lot of existing physical boundaries that would make expanding outward difficult
BDS@HGF is quirky and unique. The idiosyncrasies speak to its long and storied history. I love the way it looks. I'm all for upgrading amenities and a fresh coat of paint but I really don't understand the desire to make it look like any other "bowl" stadium.

I knew I liked you.