Spammed from the "hive".......


Nov 25, 2001
is anyone else getting spam from I am starting to get spam on multiple emails and I don't even think I gave these emails.

is this a virus?
I have never recieved an email from the Hive (ouside of the start up email) either before or after the conversion. I think something else must be up.
I havn't "received" anything interesting or worthwhile. Just the implication that I should "sign up" (read money) for a "premium" service. NO THANKS, GUYS! Please go to spam hell.
If you adjust your profile settings you can elect not to receive those emailings. I don't have any explanation for the multiple email addresses, though.
There is/was an email virus going around via the Hive a while back - you may want to contact Goldtimer- he seemed to be a significant victim of the virus. On the other hand I have been getting spam from "" about signing up for the insider's "premium service", but only once every 2-3 weeks or so and only on the one email account I use for the hive.
Its a virus. I get wierd emails too from time to
time. I'd suggest making sure your email isn't
visible in your profile or your posts.
I have gotten many virus's from email that was supposedly sent by the hive but the ones from there now are not a virus or so Nortons has said when I scanned them.