SPECIAL TEAMS - Someone should be fired


Damn Good Rat
Feb 8, 2003
Among the comedy of errors today, WHY DID TECH JUST GO FOR 2??????????????????? Now we're down 3 if Maryland gets a touchdown.

This is sad.
That was a close one. Glad the D held up at the end. Tremendous effort in the last minute.
Chili, get your head out of the sand! If we had kicked the EP we would have been up only by 5. Would NOT have changed the dynamics of the score at all. Where did you go to school at?
And fyi - someone *was* fired last year over kickoff coverage.
The idea is that if you're up 5 you can lose to two FGs, and 4 or 5 is no difference if you don't make it. The book says try to make it 6 so it take a TD and XPt to take the lead.
The only shame of the 2 point try was that the proper personnel was not ready to go in. Us having to call a TO was absurd.
I don't agree with the book on this one (BTW, who has this book, must be one I sold back at the end of statistics course...). Yes, a 2 pointer puts you up by 2 FG's, but a 1 pointer would have put us up 5, which means if MD had scored a TD to take the lead, a GT FG would win it, instead of just tieing. Moot point though, talking about a GT FG in this one....

Thank God for Michael Johnson today!!!!
Leatherjacket said:
Chili, get your head out of the sand! If we had kicked the EP we would have been up only by 5. Would NOT have changed the dynamics of the score at all. Where did you go to school at?

Going for 2 with over 10 minutes left in the game was stupid in the first place. The team looked like it had no idea what was going on.

I made my post right after the failed conversion, and if md had scored at the end we would have been down by 3 instead of 2, meaning a field goal forces overtime instead of winning the game. Just a bizarre call.
beej1953 said:
I don't agree with the book on this one (BTW, who has this book, must be one I sold back at the end of statistics course...). Yes, a 2 pointer puts you up by 2 FG's, but a 1 pointer would have put us up 5, which means if MD had scored a TD to take the lead, a GT FG would win it, instead of just tieing. Moot point though, talking about a GT FG in this one....

Thank God for Michael Johnson today!!!!

I'm pretty sure "the book" does not say to go for 2 in this occasion. You and I are making the same point, and that's exactly why you don't go for 2 in this case.
Leatherjacket said:
Chili, get your head out of the sand! If we had kicked the EP we would have been up only by 5. Would NOT have changed the dynamics of the score at all. Where did you go to school at?
I agree with Chili - for all intents and purposes, 5 is no different than 6. Just take the point.

after you go to the link

you can see the "book" says you go for two in that situation

I think it is risky w/ regard to the momentum in that situation. But not going for 2 is kinda like not hitting 16 when the dealer has a face card. It seems like the thing to do but if you play like that your time at the Blackjack table will not be long.
It was really all almost a wash between being up by 5 or by 6. Maryland definitely could have scored two field goals with ten minutes left in the game, but the extra point would help for one Maryland touchdown. Apparently, the book thought the former possibility was likely enough to go for two, but with the two probabilities so close, I couldn't call either a "dumb" play call.

However, because it is such a wash between going for 1 or 2, calling the timeout to go for 2 was dumb.
The timeout was because one of the receivers wasn't paying attention. We didn't call TO to go for two, we called TO because of personnel.
chilidogking said:
Going for 2 with over 10 minutes left in the game was stupid in the first place. The team looked like it had no idea what was going on.

I made my post right after the failed conversion, and if md had scored at the end we would have been down by 3 instead of 2, meaning a field goal forces overtime instead of winning the game. Just a bizarre call.

UGA and Tenn started the going for 2 game with 12.5 minutes left last night.

It seems I remember a game in the late 90's where we started it in the 3rd qtr early and then kept trying to "get it back" after missing the first one. Cannot remember what game it is.

I am not second guessing it because hindsight is always 20/20. One never knows what the next 10 minutes brings.
hiveredtech said:
It seems I remember a game in the late 90's where we started it in the 3rd qtr early and then kept trying to "get it back" after missing the first one. Cannot remember what game it is.

That happened in the 2001 Clemson game - really dumb and cost us the game.
If we'da gone for one and Maryland won on a TD, everyone would yell at Chan for not going with 'the book' and going for 2, and everyone would quote whichever book supported that opinion. You guys will bitch no matter what. Hindsight is the last bastion of the armchair QB.

You go for 2, and here's why: YOU ARE GOING TO GET ANOTHER POSESSION. If you miss the 2 and they kick a FG, you still have a chance to kick another FG or run the clock out, which is exactly the same as if you got the 1. However, if you *get* the 2, then a FGs are irrelevent. Lets not forget Maryland only had ONE TD drive the whole game, and it was for 9 yards.
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Let's also not forget there were only a few seconds left on the clock after Maryland's failed TD drive. If they had scored the touchdown, we didn't have enough time to get in field goal position AND kick a field goal. All this fussing is pointless. If we'd have converted, this thread would not exist.