Stingtalk Butthurt Exchange version 2017 - Week 0

App state beating UGA would be amazing. All of the Kirby's second year having the potential of Saban's second year at Bama, Tressel's second year at OSU and Meyers second year at UF would stop abruptly. Ridiculous comparisons as those are.
If you want, I'll give you $47,500 HypC futures and an additional $9,500 of HypC and $9,500 BHC short. That's pretty much the max you can do.

Not having a single clue WTF any of that means, is that the package that says "GT will open and close the season on a ööööing stage in Mercedes Benz Stadium"
What about derivatives? I am ready to go all the way or have someone bail me out.
So, what's the over/under on how many people have money left after week 3? Can I buy futures on that?
So, what's the over/under on how many people have money left after week 3? Can I buy futures on that?

I thought about building a CDS market where you can pay premiums to take insurance on other people's portfolios. If there's interest I'd be happy to build that too.
Any non-game factors affecting the market? Recruiting, Fulmer Cup points, etc
I thought about building a CDS market where you can pay premiums to take insurance on other people's portfolios. If there's interest I'd be happy to build that too.
This is an underground ocean of bootyblasting and shit talk waiting to be tapped. Yes, god yes.
I thought about building a CDS market where you can pay premiums to take insurance on other people's portfolios. If there's interest I'd be happy to build that too.

What I'm looking for is an instrument that's incredibly opaque and complicated, yet pervasive enough to crash the entire system and require bailouts all around when the price goes south. Preferably, it can be levered up 10X or so.

Only caveat is that I demand high quality stuff- so if you can slap an AAA rating on it, that'd be great.
What I'm looking for is an instrument that's incredibly opaque and complicated, yet pervasive enough to crash the entire system and require bailouts all around when the price goes south. Preferably, it can be levered up 10X or so.

Only caveat is that I demand high quality stuff- so if you can slap an AAA rating on it, that'd be great.
too big to cry
Future is a derivative.
Futures Trading

Introducing Futures trading. Futures contract is a large bet on where you think the market will move. It is not taking ownership of the underlying commodity. The advantage of making futures contract is that the gains are significant since you make a bet for 5 times the amount of the underlying commodity you could have outright bought. The disadvantage of a futures contract is you will lose significant amount of money (perhaps be out of the game) because the bet is so large (minimum bet of $47,500). The futures prices will be updated once a trading week and purchasing a futures contract costs $500. Future prices are calculated based on vegas odds so they're influenced by whether we are an underdog or a favorite.

So here's an example:
HypC Spot price: $12.00
9/5 HypC Futures Price: $11.19

The most HypC you can buy at this price is 833 HypC. If you were to enter into a futures contract instead you're making a $47,500 bet on 9/5 HypCs. $10,000 starting cash - $500 future contract cost = $9,500 cash. $9,500 x 5 = $47,500. Now here are the scenarios:

Scenario 1 HypC skyrockets:
If HypC price were to go up to $14.06 on 9/5 and you're simply an owner of 833 HypC, here's what your portfolio would look like:

Cash: $4
833 HypC Value: $11,712 (bought at $9,996)

Total Portfolio Worth: $11,716.74
% Change from Prior Week: %17.2 increase

If you were instead entered into a futures contract instead here's how it would look like:

Starting Cash: $9,500
HypC Futures contract profit (added to cash): $12,162
($47,498 HypC futures now worth $59,660)
Total Cash: $21,662

Total Portfolio Worth: $21,662
% Change from Prior Week: %216.6 increase

So as you can see HypC futures yielded a much much larger return. Let's take a look at the other scenario where HypC plummets.

Scenario 2 HypC plummets:
If HypC price were to go down to $9.25 on 9/5 and you're an owner of 833 HypC, here's what your portfolio would look like:

Cash: $4
833 HypC Value: $7,708.45 (bought at $9,996)

Total Portfolio Worth: $7712.45
% Increase from Prior Week: %23 decrease

If you were instead entered into a futures contract instead here's how it would look like:

Starting Cash: $9,500
HypC Futures contract loss (subtracted from cash): $8,234.58
($47,498 HypC futures now worth $39,264)
Total Cash: $1,265.42

Total Portfolio Worth: $1,265.42
% Change from Prior Week: %87.7 decrease

Having said all that, you can also short futures contracts. All the same rules apply. Rather than making a bet on the price going up you'd be making a bet on price going down. Futures are cash settled on the settlement date (no positions to stay open).

Minimum and Maximum Contracts

The minimum bet is the same for all weeks and that is $47,500. This is calculated by subtracting $500 from your starting cash of $10,000 and multiplying by 5. The maximum bet is also calculated by subtracting $500 cash from your portfolio value and multiplying by 5. So if your portfolio is worth more than $10,000 (cash and other assets included) then your maximum bet is your total portfolio minus $500 cash times 5. All you need to play right now is $500 cash. If you were to lose on the futures contract, to settle it first your cash will be subtracted from balance, then your assets from largest to smallest.

You can't enter a futures contract if you have less than $10,000 in portfolio value and because the minimum will not change from $47,500.

What do we do now?
If you have recently made a short sell and you still have $10,000 cash you can enter a futures contract as well.

If you bought BHC, MHC or HypC earlier and you'd like to buy some futures now as long as you got $500 cash you can buy it. If you have less than $500 cash tell me which commodities you own to sell back to the exchange to make $500 (if your portfolio's diversified.)

Having said that here are the prices for BHC, MHC and HypC for 9/5:

Futures Prices 9/5

BHC 9/5: $10.32
HypC 9/5: $11.19
MHC 9/5: $8.97

Have fun!

Could you explain to idiots like me what 9/5 is, and how you came up with the futures price in your example and where the 5x comes from?
Could you explain to idiots like me what 9/5 is, and how you came up with the futures price in your example and where the 5x comes from?
9/5 sounds an awful lot like a date. And with a name like "futures", I wonder if you're betting on certain outcomes to happen by a certain.....

future date.
Could you explain to idiots like me what 9/5 is, and how you came up with the futures price in your example and where the 5x comes from?

  • 9/5 is September 5 (the day after the last game played for Week 1)
  • Future's price is calculated based on the probabilities converted from Vegas moneylines for Tenn @ Tech and App State @ ugay. We have four scenarios: Tech win uga win, Tech win uga loss, Tech loss uga win, Tech loss uga loss. Those probabilties are multiplied with each other to get a probability for each scenario. Each scenario already has a price calculated from the multipliers (the only thing that will change it slightly is the ratio of butthurt to hype prior to the games which is calculated into spot price on September 5) so then I weigh each outcome based on their probability to come up with a futures price for that commodity.
  • The 5x is basically saying margin requirement for the future is 20%. It means you have to have 20% of the money with the exchange to be able to enter a futures contract. Because the contract itself also has $500 fee you have to pay the exchange, I set the minimum at $47,500 which the 20% of is $9,500. This will be the minimum for all weeks of play but the maximum can be bigger if you got let's say $20,000 in your portfolio.