StingTalk Chat tonight, Tuesday, at 9PM Eastern.


Nov 19, 2001
Give it a try again tonight. Will suggest that everyone download MIRC. Can find it in "links" at top of the board. Link to Mirc----> Basicly, use the "download mirc" link on the site. gtfan has provided excellent instructions on how to install it for using in chats which is in the computers and tech. board room. Works very well, and it's not difficult to follow his instruction. Link to gtfans post----->;f=5;t=000056

I've tried entering the chat room from the browser on many different computers with no luck at all the last two day. I don't know what the problem is.

gtfan and beestorm, not complaining, but it would help a great deal if the chat room worked from the browser. Both you guys seem very computer savey. Most people that use these boards might not be.

BUT, using MIRC works well.
I have not been able to get the chatroom to work either. It worked great up until a couple of days ago. I also tried to access it with Microsoft Chat but it wouldn't log on either.
I finally gave up and downloaded Mirc and finally got it to work but I don't like using it very much .
It would be so much better if the chatroom would work through the browser like it used to. I think it is going to severely limit participation if everyone has to use mirc.
Beeware. I agree that it will limit usage if it doesn't work when you click on "chat" from board using browser. Chat participation had climbed more and more as people got more aware of it.

Like I said above. Have no idea what the problem is. Until the problem gets fixed I hope people will use Mirc.
The problem was with the server I point the Chat to. I was trying to use one server in order to eliminate the nastiness of netsplits and lag that occurs when people are on different servers. Since the server we are using is no longer dependable the chat program will now seek out alternate servers. So with the good can now come the bad.