It's a neat intro to Warhammer gaming because you don't have to buy five thousand dollars worth of miniatures to play. Basically just 12 minis and a board and some dice. Also, there's no crazy terrain or whatever. They used to sell the whole thing in a package, but I think they quit making it. Might be able to scare one up on Ebay. The stock set had orcs and elves in it I think, but there were probably something like ten different races you could play.
The fun part about the game is running seasons. If you can somehow find 8 people to play in a league, then someone acts as commissioner and runs the league, arranges a schedule, and everyone round robins, with standings and such. Unlike other warhammer games, each of your players can get XP for doing cool öööö, like scoring touchdowns or murdering other players on the field. You get money from the gate for each game, which you can spend to buy new free agents and stuff. The XPs cause your players to rank up and get special abilities or bonuses, but they can also get niggling injuries (permanent drawbacks) during the run of play as well. I used to paint bandages on the guys who had injuries for instance. It's a hoot.
The strategy is very unlike actual football, although there are linemen and such. I ran orcs and goblins (Ramblin Wreck from Goblin Tech) and also had a troll I used to anchor the line. On offense, I'd throw a goblin downfield, then throw the ball to the goblin and have him run it in for a score. Lots of weird öööö like that in the game. Mostly the game is just beating the öööö out of each other. My roommate played wood elves (see: Treant) and while he was very good at scoring, and could win some games, he could barely make it through the season because his roster kept getting killed. Instead of upgrades and such he spent a lot of his money just buying new elves to come in and get beat up.
The undead were a brutal team, because every time they killed an opposing player they'd reanimate him as a skeleton and add him to their own bench.
You could buy team doctors which would reduce injury chances, cheerleaders which would increase your attendance, etc.
Games took about two hours to complete. Looked something like this: