It sounds like you're speaking exclusively about flat bills and high profile MLB style hats it sounds like. I don't wear those and hate those looks as well. I'm long out of hs.
New Era makes "dad hats," lower profile versions of the pro style hats, etc. etc. They make just about any hat style that you can think of. I'm talking better materials and quality stitching.
The "flop" looks terrible. You can have low profile and "dad" style hats that actually hold some type of shape and don't just look messy.
PS, the "T" hat this thread is talking about is a wannabe flat bill (and also higher profile). I say wannabe because it's a flat bill when it's sold, but that bill is gonna fall apart after minimal working. It's crap. The hat we actually want and this thread is about (the one the baseball team got) is actually a wannabe New Era flat bill hat (the kind you're hating on in your post above). It looked to be comparable quality though. Fortunately, we're all pretty smart and I'm pretty sure that we can figure out how to bend the bill. The front side is the cool side btw.
I have this hat and it's 1000x better quality than any of that Adidas crap:
I've got a blue version of this hat that I've had since 2006. It's faded a little, but otherwise in great shape
Neither are flat bill or high profile. Both are cheaper than the crappy Adidas hats, yet will actually last. Do some research.