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It's just most Otaku who go are more than a little creepy. If you want to come here to Japan and meet AKB48, be my guest. I will probably be in Yokohama or Roppongi doing more interesting things than salivating over a bunch of teenagers.

Is one still a baka gaijin if he honestly like AKB48? Or, is that redundant?! You'd shatter my dream of going to a handshake event!! Haha!
My ship was in Yokosuka last year and my buddy and I went up to Tokyo. This guy Just had to take pictures of the AKB48 studio in Akihabara. No wonder why they call some of us Baka Gaijin. It's not even like he even went into the studio.

Akihabara is one of the strangest places on the planet. You're mostly safe if you stay at street level, but good god if you go up or down a flight of stairs, you are in for some öööö you can not unsee.

There's also a pretty good sushi place just outside the subway station there.
I didn't see anything that crazy up there. IDK. I did try to convince my friend to buy one set of sheets that looks like a woman taking a bubble bath, but he wouldn't bite. It would be a good joke on the ship, but considering how everything could be considered sexual harassment these days, it's probably better not to.

Akihabara is one of the strangest places on the planet. You're mostly safe if you stay at street level, but good god if you go up or down a flight of stairs, you are in for some öööö you can not unsee.

There's also a pretty good sushi place just outside the subway station there.