Texas and Nike new deal for 15yr/$200M deal

I love the old school uniforms, but flashy and cool attracts recruits when your name isn't Alabama. Russell ain't giving us anything close to the product Nike puts out. I would gladly wear Nike old school uniforms 8 games out of the year and then put on something crazy for the other games.
If Russell gave us the traditional look with the correct shade of gold this board desires, would we still hate Russell because it's Russell? What if they gave us a ton of $ but still crappy uniforms would we like it because we had the $? Just curious if there is ever a scenario in which Russell is acceptable for this board or not.

Our uniforms are pretty good this season and people have been saying so. There has been a lot less complaining this year and a lot of positive comments.

People don't hate on Russell because they're Russell or because we like to complain. People hated on Russell because our uniforms prior to this year have sucked ass.
Russell should be fired on the sole basis of the stupid bubble wrap numbers idea from a few years ago (that still appears every so often). Those looked like öööö and I don't see how any legitimate clothing designer ever thought otherwise.
I'm hopeful that Under Armour will view Tech with some kind of nostalgia and want to sign us for historical reasons.
I hate the collar that Nike seems to put on all their football jersies.

Also think this year's road unis are awful - basically blue & white with crappy stripe designs.

If we ever left R, I would like to see us hook up wth UA.
If I'm the AD of GA Tech, I bet on ourselves when it comes to our next uniform contract. I negotiate the best deal possible with Under Armor for a 5-year term. No longer.

Then I tell them to keep the last million (over the term), and in exchange, give us a signature brand on the field, and just ridiculous amounts of player swag.

I think the longer CPJ stays, and the longer our staff remains stable, we'll generally continue to improve as a program. And call me new-school, call me foolish, whatever... but I do think Russell negatively impacts recruiting and the Georgia Tech brand.

At the end of 5 years I think we'll be worth more as a branding partner, and command a better contract price.
Under Armour vs. Nike
The Baltimore-based sporting-goods company is planning to move its global footwear operations to Portland Oregon, just 10 miles away from Nike's global headquarters. And the spot Under Armour picked is right across the street from Duniway Park, a public park Nike has previously sponsored. To Nike's ire, Under Armour is now offering to fund a renovation of the park.
If I'm the AD of GA Tech, I bet on ourselves when it comes to our next uniform contract. I negotiate the best deal possible with Under Armor for a 5-year term. No longer.

Then I tell them to keep the last million (over the term), and in exchange, give us a signature brand on the field, and just ridiculous amounts of player swag.

I think the longer CPJ stays, and the longer our staff remains stable, we'll generally continue to improve as a program. And call me new-school, call me foolish, whatever... but I do think Russell negatively impacts recruiting and the Georgia Tech brand.

At the end of 5 years I think we'll be worth more as a branding partner, and command a better contract price.

Isn't the problem getting UA to pay more than Russell?
Isn't the problem getting UA to pay more than Russell?

My point is that I believe a UA contract could be a significant value-add, apart from the dollars and cents. So signing a 5-year contract is betting on that value-add.
My point is that I believe a UA contract could be a significant value-add, apart from the dollars and cents. So signing a 5-year contract is betting on that value-add.

How? What?
How? What?

He's saying that we'd sell more merchandise because of their designs and the halo effect of their brand. That in turn means more eyes seeing the GT logo and ultimately more interest and fans which leads to more merchandise.
He's saying that we'd sell more merchandise because of their designs and the halo effect of their brand. That in turn means more eyes seeing the GT logo and ultimately more interest and fans which leads to more merchandise.

Isn't the problem getting UA to pay more than Russell?

No. Has to do with the relationship with Russell and what they've done for the GTAA over the years. Many on here think it looks like a problem. To the GTAA it doesn't.
No. Has to do with the relationship with Russell and what they've done for the GTAA over the years. Many on here think it looks like a problem. To the GTAA it doesn't.

I don't have a problem with Russell other than they whiffed on some of their designs and their distribution isn't as widespread. We are by far the biggest name school that uses them and it doesn't seem like we get the attention of Oregon or Maryland. They should be using us to market their brand to enhance their market share.
I don't really care what Russell does behind the scenes for the GTAA. I care about the outward image of the team and the fan apparel offerings made available. Russell sucks on both.

As for team image, it sucks on all fronts. When Russell tries to make anything that isn't our retro stuff, it's hideous. Further, like it or not, we live in a society where teens spend $200 on a pair of Air Jordan's and wear clothes that only have the brand scrawled across them. Russell is like the Big Lots of sport apparel producers. No one wants it. Third, they don't market us for crap. Have you seen the adidas commercial with Kevin Sumlin on it? It's on all the time during sports programming. I think Russell plays their Together We R stuff during Dr. Phil (and then that commercial doesn't even reference us as their premier school. It features high schoolers).

I've already addressed the availability of fan apparel above.
Russell is a sinking ship.
On June 25, 2009, Russell became the first collegiate licensee to be placed on probation by the Fair Labor Association.
In response, over eighty universities have canceled their contracts with Russell, including Duke University, Georgetown University, Columbia University, University of Michigan, University of Miami, University of Maryland, University of Washington, University of Houston, Penn State University, Rutgers University, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Purdue University, Cornell University, University of Florida, and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

It would be hard to get distribution with a list like that.
Russell is a sinking ship.
On June 25, 2009, Russell became the first collegiate licensee to be placed on probation by the Fair Labor Association.
In response, over eighty universities have canceled their contracts with Russell, including Duke University, Georgetown University, Columbia University, University of Michigan, University of Miami, University of Maryland, University of Washington, University of Houston, Penn State University, Rutgers University, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Purdue University, Cornell University, University of Florida, and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

It would be hard to get distribution with a list like that.

So Nike can make shoes in sweatshops but Russell is somehow evil?
So Nike can make shoes in sweatshops but Russell is somehow evil?

That's true. Russell has let it's product portfolio slip and has become Fruit of the Loom of sports apparel. Under Armour built their brand through innovative products, as did Nike. Russell kind of follows. They should be debuting new uniform designs every week like Oregon and Maryland. Some will miss, but maybe a few could hit. Then advertise it like UA did with Fridge.