The 06 Season Is Huge For The Football Program...

non-gineer called it

06 is no more a telling yr than 04.
We KNOW that CG can't put together a strong offense.Also that RB is not a good passer.
We know that Tenuta's def carries us and we know if they fall,we fall.
we know the STs aren't getting better just because some CHUMPS "think" we are getting more depth and CG has been here longer.
We now know even CG will put up with so much imcompentence-bye Wilson.
We know that the Oline will get better with 4 returnees .How much is the question.
The record will have some good and bad surprises.
We KNOW all this now and next yr probably won't this change any.
What '06 will tell-
-if CG really has recruited ENOUGH quality guys who can play now that ALL of GOLs guys are gone..
-do we have the DBs to play WINNING fball?
-do we have the receivers to offset CJ?
-can we really replace the best DL and LB?
my guess is that the DEf will fall off and the Off can't make up the difference.No surprise there.
Re: non-gineer called it

I tend to agree. I see the defense falling off a little but I think the offense will improve a little. The net effect could be a worse season, but I'm projecting, well, um...7 wins.
I almost forgot we have Daryl Richards. I am glad that he should be healthy and ready to go. I would like to see what personell CCG brings in from the coaching losses.
Re: ncjacket, Furman Bisher in the AJC on Sunday...

wig, myself and a few others are probably younger than the average poster on this board. I don't know the history of the Pepper Rogers firing, because I was a youngster when it occurred, but have thought about asking about it. And since you have brought it up, can anyone tell me the history of Pepper Rogers firing? Sorry to Hijack, but I would like to know.
Re: ncjacket, Furman Bisher in the AJC on Sunday...

When Bill Fulcher cut and ran after two years as GT HC in 1973, Pepper was lured back to GT in 1974 after great success at both UCLA and U of Kansas. He was welcomed with open arms because he was one of Dodd’s favorites, a very successful and winning GT QB, and a proven winner as a college head coach. One of my old profs in the IM school told me at the time that The Hill agreed to allow him to recruit and gain admittance for some higher risk SA’s as part of his deal. Pepper was very successful at recruiting “athletic” types because of his flamboyant and youth oriented style - he had boom boxes in his office and in the locker room, rode a motorcycle to practice, didn’t wear socks, had a Don Sutton style perm, etc. As proof of his recruiting prowess, I recall noting with surprise that during the late 70’s and early 80’s that we had many more NFL players than did UGA. Check the GT press guide and you will be impressed with the players drafted off the 1978 and 1979 teams. There were some negatives however. Pepper was egotistical and abrasive with some influential alums, I recall him being actually insulting to Al Ciraldo in an interview after a tough loss. He appeared to be difficult to work for also, as there was a major turnover in his coaching staff after each season, and finally, as with our current coach, his w-l record of just over 500 was not considered sufficient by many. But also Pepper ran the wishbone, which was an almost exclusively run-based offense (in 1975, he ran the ball 692 times in 11 games, over 60 times per game!), and some influential alums felt that we needed to pass more, even though we were a decent enough 30-25-1 after his first 5 years. Against his better judgement, Pepper was forced to change to a more conventional offense in 1979. He then went 4-6-1, which gave those that disliked him the opportunity to fire him. He sued the GTAA for over $300K, claiming that the GTAA owed him the value of his total compensation package rather than just his salary, and won. Many GT supporters never forgave him for dragging GT’s fair name through the mud. A few years ago I asked a GT teammate of Pepper's from the 1950’s if Pepper still had any friends at GT. He said Pepper didn’t have many friends period, that he was a very strange person who rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

As Kim King said in Tales from the Georgia Tech Sideline: "For the first three or four years, Pepper had the support of a lot of people. There were many others who didn't support him. Most people who weren't Pepper supporters felt that he wasn't what Georgia Tech football should be. For several years, there was tremendous pressure, and rumors and innuendo floating around. People were trying to get him to resign or get fired. Eventually, the athletic board made the decision to terminate him."

Later in his book Kim says that after Pepper's firing: "The (hiring) committee (of which Kim was a member) felt that there had been a lot of dissension building during the latter years of Pepper Rodger's regime, and thought it was important to bring in someone who could understand not only the importance of tech's athletic tradition, but who could unite the alumni. Even though he had no previous head coaching experience, Bill Curry was the unanimous choice of the committee."

Funny how history repeats itself. Once again GT may have Bill Curry riding to the rescue as one who understands the importance of our athletic tradition and who can unite the fan base.
Re: ncjacket, Furman Bisher in the AJC on Sunday...

Thanks for that Wig!! Appreciate it!!
Re: ncjacket, Furman Bisher in the AJC on Sunday...

I was a student during most of Pepper's time at Tech. The only thing I'd add to GTwig's great recital is that Pepper started very popular with students but his act started to wear very thin as time went on. We used to watch his coach's show just to see how much time he was on. He did the interviews himself, he did the commercials, it was a one man show. He'd often bring on celebrities from his UCLA/Hollywood days...of course it was them and him. I was an IM and knew a lot of players and one thing that stands out to me is how much the defensive players seemed to hate him. I can also remember covering the team for the Technique in '75 and going to the post game press conferences for both teams after we tied Clemson at home. The Clemson coach (can't remember now who it was) was furious about the tie but Pepper seemed almost giddy. Didn't make a lot of sense to me.

My recollection is that his recruiting fell off pretty dramatically after the class I was in, with ELI, Kent Hill, Drew Hill and several more really good players. It's ironic given Wig's info on him being forced to scrap the wishbone that the best team he had while I was there was the '78 team that lost the first 2 then won 7 in a row running the I with ELI at tailback. We lost to ND on national TV then to ugag by 1 before crumbling in the Peach Bowl (just another reason I hate that bowl). Through it all, Pepper just never seemed to fit at Tech.

Curry was an assistant while I was in school and I had a chance to interview him a couple of times. To this day he's the most impressive man I've ever met. I don't know if BC is the right guy for the job, but if he gets it he will completely change the attitudes, mindsets and energy at GTAA. He's one of the most positive people you could imagine. By itself that would be a tremendous breath of fresh air.
Re: non-gineer called it

Thanks, Alagold. I don't care if I'm right or not, I just want to be a fan and alumnus of a school with a top-notch football program, and we are no where near that today, and will not be with the current coaching staff.

Also, regarding GTWig's post: "Once again GT may have Bill Curry riding to the rescue as one who understands the importance of our athletic tradition and who can unite the fan base." I don't disagree with you, and think Curry is a good choice for the job, but I think Homer Rice did far more than Bill Curry to get our athletics program out of the deep doodoo we were in. We can only hope that whoever the next AD is can do as well as he did.
Re: non-gineer called it

and will not be with the current coaching staff.

[/ QUOTE ]

you forgot the "imo" at the end, but we can let that slide. ;-)

BTW, where in Pittsburgh are you? SWMBO grew up out in Monroeville....not far from a pretty good HS program run by one of Bud Carson's GT players.....George Novak (Woodland Hills HS)
Re: ncjacket, Furman Bisher in the AJC on Sunday...

Thanks, Wig - that's a really good read.
Re: non-gineer called it

True, but the way I figure it, everything I write here is just "IMO", since I know very little in the way of factual information.

I'm just east of Monroeville a bit, in Westmoreland County.
from the small world dept......

My parents lived in Irwin for a few yrs in the mid-50's (Dad was with Rockwell), and my oldest sis was born in the hospital in Greensburg. SWMBO has a cousin in Greensburg now, and Aunt/Uncle in Irwin (or Harrison City, maybe).

SWMBO's parents moved down here while she was still in school at Pitt, then she got a job here and followed them down. Her folks actually went back up THERE for awhile and had a house in Murrysville, then moved back to GA.

Ever get to Vincent's for pizza? :>)
Re: from the small world dept......

That's very nice, but go PM or get a room. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Richards will be a big factor in my opinion. I really like our DL. I am also intersted in the coaching moves although it may take a couple of weeks to fill the spots. I am indifferent to Wilson as a person, although his special teams units this year I believe could be responsible for two games. I really like Robinson as a person, but once again our TEs have not been a factor since Foschi. I think we have some great talent at TE among Matthews, Cooper, and Peek.
Re: from the small world dept......

LOL...I was gonna answer his question about Vincent's, but now I don't dare!
Re: from the small world dept......

I don't care. That's why I included the /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
It was only meant to be a TIC remark.
So, where is Vincent's?
Re: from the small world dept......

Actually, I don't have a clue. And I knew you were joking...that's why I included the 'LOL'!
Re: from the small world dept......

I know you know I was joking but I didn't know if you knew that I knew that you knew I was joking. Good lawd! I have lost my marbles. Sorry.
Re: from the small world dept......

All I know is that I don't know what either one of you know. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif