The ACC Should Offer Houston


Oct 18, 2009
Harpoon the Big 12, go to 15 teams, and pick up Notre Dame after the whole thing goes tits up. Then we have recruiting inroads to Texas, another huge media market for the ACCN footprint, and we get to sit at the table that finally says all conference champions are in, because there are only 4 leagues that matter. Texas won't go indy and Notre Dame won't stay that way because the Pac 12 and SEC will fight over the former and the remaining 4 superconferences will force the hand of the latter with the discussion about restructuring the playoff seeding process.

Nice work, I've been hoping somebody would start the conference expansion discussion for several years now.
Nice work, I've been hoping somebody would start the conference expansion discussion for several years now.

Yeah, well, that's great and all, as long as we're in the correct shade of gold. Under Armor will give us that.
Harpoon the Big 12, go to 15 teams, and pick up Notre Dame after the whole thing goes tits up. Then we have recruiting inroads to Texas, another huge media market for the ACCN footprint, and we get to sit at the table that finally says all conference champions are in, because there are only 4 leagues that matter. Texas won't go indy and Notre Dame won't stay that way because the Pac 12 and SEC will fight over the former and the remaining 4 superconferences will force the hand of the latter with the discussion about restructuring the playoff seeding process.


öööö ND. öööö Syracuse and their orange mascot. öööö Pitt and everything else in that shitty state. The ACC should go back to 12 teams. Who gives a öööö what other conferences do. The best thing for Tech to do is get their shit together. Hire an AD who isn't a dipshit. Beat the Dwags and for christs sake beat Duke. And we probably need an inquisition to purge our fan base of all the self loathing, apologetic, elitist, dipshits.
öööö ND. öööö Syracuse and their orange mascot. öööö Pitt and everything else in that ööööty state. The ACC should go back to 12 teams. Who gives a öööö what other conferences do. The best thing for Tech to do is get their öööö together. Hire an AD who isn't a dipshit. Beat the Dwags and for christs sake beat Duke. And we probably need an inquisition to purge our fan base of all the self loathing, apologetic, elitist, dipshits.

We would have like fifty total fans if we did that.
If we're looking at Texas, might as well get the big fish rather than Houston. UT would be awesome
If we're looking at Texas, might as well get the big fish rather than Houston. UT would be awesome

I think UT is out of the picture as long as the big 12 is viable. We could convince the Big Ten to offer Houston, but we would still have to fight the PAC 12 for Texas. We would end up with Baylor or something if we lost. I'd rather have Houston and the initiative.
How does having a team in Texas help us? We barely recruit out of the state. Playing Houston on occasion won't help us recruit in Houston.
How does having a team in Texas help us? We barely recruit out of the state. Playing Houston on occasion won't help us recruit in Houston.

At the very least it gets your team more visibility in the state. How many Texas high schoolers do you think even know Georgia Tech has a football team? It certainly can't hurt.
At the very least it gets your team more visibility in the state. How many Texas high schoolers do you think even know Georgia Tech has a football team? It certainly can't hurt.

If you don't actively recruit them, they won't come. How does this help us more than any other ACC team?
Go big - get Texas, Houston, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Kansas and either West Virginia or Kansas State, I prefer WVU for argument sake. Keep ND as is. Create two ten team divisions. You could add WVU, Texas and Houston to Coastal. Add OU, Oklahoma State and Kansas to Atlantic. Or, put the 4 NC, 2 Va and 2 Fla schools plus GT and Clemson in the Traditional Division and all the rest in the expansion division. Your conference games that count are your nine division rivals. Three teams per division play ND each year. The other seven in each division schedule one crossover game. It does not count in the standings but gives TV volume to work with. That's ten good games for everyone. Some will choose to play a rivalry game with a quality opponent. TV will love this. We would lead the way to four mega-conferences and would have gotten the best of what is out there.

For other sports go to three seven team divisions. In basketball you play your division twice and four teams from each of the other two divisions for a twenty game schedule. Again, more volume for TV. Have a two weekend tournament. First weekend at three sights - each division has a three day event. The next weekend bring the three tourney winners and the highest ranked team that did not win to play the semifinals and finals. Division 1 - Syracuse, BC, WVU, Pitt, ND, Louisville and Miami or Kansas, Division 2 - UVA, Va Tech, UNC, Duke, NCSU, WFU, Clemson Division 3 - GT, FSU, Texas, Houston, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Miami or Kansas.
Houston would be an ok add, but why force it? The ACC is much more stable than the Big Twelve. Either the Pac Twelve or the SEC can do the raid and we can pick through the remains for the one team we need to add.
Baylor would make far more sense in the Texas market. You're just picking the flavor of the month.