The Auburn/Clemson recruiting strategy and other stuff . . .

Herr Goldshields

Varsity Lurker
Oct 20, 2001
Just throwing some discussion out here, and trying to raise my number of posts so I can be something other than 'member'. 'Goldmember' perhaps?

I've heard complaints out of posters on the Hive that Clemson and Auburn are killing us in recruiting. Well, here's my take on it. UGA only offers the most 'highly regarded' prospects in Georgia. They feel like they ought to rule the state because, afterall, they are 'UGA'. Too bad FSU and Tennessee tend to take whoever they want out of the state in those disappointing 7-4/8-3 years. CU and AU know this. They also know that Tech has a 'wait and see' attitude on the top second tier kids who score in the 800s on the SAT, for academic reasons, particularly those who come out of mediocre to bad school systems. Thus, we often don't extend offers and more heavily pursue out of state prospects who are academically solid. CU and AU rake up on this. They identify these kids they know they can shuffle through their universities with a degree in 'landscaping' or something, and they go after them hard in the state of Georgia. Oddly enough, although UNC and UVA will basically take any warm body out of their own states, they tend to focus on higher academic kids when they recruit in Georgia.

There is always the kid who is a 'country boy' who doesn't want to go to school in Atlanta. There are also situations, like last year, with a recruit like Marcus McNeil. I really think that not retaining Mac MacWhorter and David Kelly cost us that recruit. Mac would've been his position coach and most likely had tried to build a relationship with him throughout the process, and I had read somewhere on the net that Kelly knew his father personally. I also heard per chatroom sources that Kelly deliberately hamstrung us with another recruit (John Doucette), and called the UGA coaches to tell them he was 'available' when let go. This is all speculation, but it is based on rumor .)
It is tough. We are the first ones to point out when AU or Clemson have a kid fail out or worse, yet we also are not happy when they get the marginal kid.

The fact is that GT is making a genuine effort to get the most academically qualified kids out there and sometimes this excludes some good athletes.
I think in the Bill Lewis era, we started to recruit more of the Auburn/Clemson type kid, academically and character-wise, and you see the results. In basketball and football, we took more JUCOs, more kids destined to leave early for pros. Our graduation rates plummetted. Eventually, some ethical alumni, students and profs got disgusted and probably complained. I hope we are never tempted again by the fast success of Cremins's basketball years or the 1990 Natl. Championship. I hate to say it, but I'd rather be successful the way Stanford is (championship or not) than to pursue things the way AU/CU do. Dawg fans who say we are 'no different' just don't realize we could never be like those schools. It just wouldn't work at Tech.
Interesting points Technician and law bee.

My understanding of our recruiting process is that GT will not bring a kid in for a visit unless he is qualified. By having to wait on the 'marginal' qualifiers as you put it, we open up the possibility of an AU or CU or Ugag coming in and getting the player.

I don't think that we have to 'sell our souls' just to have the success enjoyed under Cremins pre-S. Carolina and back days
or for what Boss Ross did in the late 80's to early 90's. Think about the players that we had on the '92 team--put a handful in the NFL and had good role players as well (not too mention a # of juniors/seniors that were part of a Nat'l Championship for cryin' out loud). The difference between '92 and '89-'91? Coaching. Not much talent diff. between '90 and '92 in my book. True, good fortune in the way of injuries and fumbles and the like play a part, but a put a good coach on the '92 team and at the least, they go to a decent bowl game.

So far, Coach Gailey has turned the attitude expressed by O'leary--"GT wants to be Harvard during the week and FSU on Sat.," into a positive. He is stressing to recruits the unique opportunity that GT affords a young man--great school and a Top 20 program. I really think that as long as a coach can sell that effectively and not get worn down between the demands of "the Hill," and that of alumni/fans wanting to win, he can be successful. The longer that I watch the college game, the more I am convinced that if you have a good coach, the other pieces will fall into place.

One last thing that will be interesting to see is just how much the grad. rate improved since next year will reflect the first of O'leary's recruits.
Several items to be considered.

First Tech is limited in the type of student it can recruit. Tech cannot go after all the recruits Auburn pursues, but probably does well in head to head with them percentage wise on the high academic athletes.

Auburn has always been a little shady with their recruiting where Tech has always tried to be clean with our recruiting. When two offers are on the table and one has more goodies than the normal education, it will definitely sway a few athletes.

Auburn has always done pretty well with the Georgia high schools close to the Alabama/Georgia line. A kid that grew up liking Tech, but does not have the grades, would probably prefer to go to Auburn instead of Georgia.

Heck we all know Auburn will be back on probation in a couple of years. Most of the SEC will be for that matter.

I also think Clemson is not exactly on the up-&-up when recruiting kids. TB does not strike me as a very ethical person.

Tech will be fine. We may not get the best recruits but look at it this way... with all the kids UGA has had and continues to get they still don't have enough heart and discipline to have done anything in 20 years.
Auburn has a lot of fans in Georgia, especially in West GA from Lagrange on down to Columbus. It's natural that they're gonna get some kids from this area. On top of that, the 2 state schools can not offer every kid in this state because of scholarship limits. So, Auburn will always come into our state and get some players.

Let's face it. The state of Georgia has more talent than what GT and UGA can offer. Throw in our unique academic situation at Tech and that makes it even easier for Auburn and Clemson to come in here and raid our state.

Personally, I think that recruiting wars with Auburn and Clemson affect UGA more than they do Tech. We go after alot of the same athletes, but we're still forced to go out of state to find kids that want to play football and get a Management degree. OTOH, UGA/Aub/Clem can all shoehorn the kids in to a wider variety of degree programs.

There is a trend that I think will help us. Technical educations are not seen as geeky as they used to be. Maybe more kids will be attracted to Tech in the future, since they know they can find a degree program that offers a great technical education.