The felon better not play...

What on earth are you talking about???
The young man hasn't practiced all fall what coach in his right mind would allow any one to play that hasn't been through drills...
Don't you have other more pressing things to worry about???
Geez take a chill pill and relax...
I bet you stand in the express lane at the market and count items to make sure everyone has under 10.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
What on earth are you talking about???
The young man hasn't practiced all fall what coach in his right mind would allow any one to play that hasn't been through drills...
Don't you have other more pressing things to worry about???
Geez take a chill pill and relax...
I bet you stand in the express lane at the market and count items to make sure everyone has under 10.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

So you want us to chill.

1) RH cannot redshirt, he's already done so and would have to petition the NCAA for another year.
2) Why would he want to? He will take his shot at the NFL next year.
3) He wants to play to help his teammates and so pro scouts don't forget him.

4) Whether Gailey feels he has to play him or not is up to him. The judge has placed him back on the team. RH is not a cancer on the team, as TO is. His teammates evidently like and support him. To not play him may disrupt the team more than playing him.

5) Finally, If he's not ready to contribute he won't play. If he is, he probably will.

I don't care either way.